Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [be] a [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Let my prayer be a channel for your love , your grace ,
2 Whether or not he will ever be my son-in-law is a matter for Chantal .
3 The subject matter for my demonstration is a pair for shoes belonging to my four-year-old daughter Sophie , who painted them to suit herself after she decided she did n't like them any more .
4 Even if I fight to improve the school ( the battle began two years ago but victory is nowhere on the horizon ) my child is a child for 10 years more .
5 My father was a salesman for an engineering firm selling pit motors .
6 After tea — more washing up with Dad at the helm and little time was left before the whole family were off to Evensong at St. Martin 's where my father was a sidesman for a number of years .
7 It 's in my blood , my father was a chorister for 60 years .
8 My father was a shepherd for Mr John Goddard of Tunstall ; and I would go out to scare rooks and crows on Mr Goddard 's fields .
9 My prize was a voucher for half-a-crown which had to be spent on one of the Carnival 's stalls .
10 My starting-point was a search for details about ‘ conditions in a typical Indian gaol ’ .
11 I did not intend to spend my time being a chaperon for my sister .
12 Their nerve was a match for his ; they had most of them served him several years , for his men did not leave him .
13 Yet their fate is a lesson for others , none more so than for the Palestinians .
14 But although there was little doubt that many of the latter ideas were attractive in terms of pollution , their practicality was a matter for some debate .
15 Because her home was a headquarters for Vernon in Britain .
16 Her visits were a cause for much speculation and a great deal of dread because her power was infinite .
17 The river and its banks are a haven for wildlife amongst the hustle and bustle of the town .
18 Their establishment is a matter for company policy rather than the salesperson 's discretion but , where offered , the salesperson should not under-estimate their importance in the sales presentation .
19 Its output is a setting for the steering wheel in the driver 's cab .
20 Its name is a metaphor for a manufacturing spirit ; a substitute for hard , dirty and spiritless work ; an analogy for all things industrial .
21 In theory , every aspect of their constitution is a candidate for reassessment by the disciplinary grouping charged with its custodianship .
22 Their self-righteousness was a cover for their fear of disorder .
23 Its strength was a nose for commerce which soon manifested itself , so that by the twelfth century , the authority of an effete aristocracy began to dwindle as the power of the merchants correspondingly grew .
24 Should the haziness of her memory be a matter for concern ?
25 Her house was a meeting-place for her daughter and their husbands , and conversation and gossip there formed reputation and opinion .
26 SHE MAIL is a forum for your views , not ours .
27 ‘ Something like this makes you believe in yourself that much more , ’ said Toleafoa , whose father is a consulate-general for Western Somoa , but who qualifies to play for New Zealand because of her mother .
28 His prayer is a cry for deliverance from his brother .
29 It was Greg Carey , and as if his entrance was a cue for everyone else to appear , the Christmas Eve cocktail party was in full swing within ten minutes .
30 It is unlikely that he made much money , but he had an activity and his shop was a meeting-place for other young men who dropped in to discuss the events of the day and to plan entertainments and visits for the evening .
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