Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [be] [vb pp] [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 And my Ma … my Ma was sat on its lap all tiny like a shrivelled-up doll .
2 My being is released from its confines by the overpowering perfume , the glossy greens of the new-born leaves , the fragrance of new life .
3 The po solution is to move the factory upstream of itself so that its effluent is drawn into its intake .
4 His general point is that the debt burden debate is resolved when each of its aspects is placed in its appropriate ‘ cost ’ category .
5 This virtuous circle , in which labour is rewarded for its genuine efforts , capital is given a return and quality improves , is set to be blown apart if Labour is in government on Friday .
6 as if slapped across the face , she opened her eyes and looked up as her monster was tugged off its feet by invisible forces .
7 Its origins are disguised by its huge cob , and only in the last few years has genetic analysis teased out the whole truth about its humble cereal ancestry .
8 There was much pressure to extend the scope of the Convention to cover operating leases , in which equipment is let at its market use-value to several lessees in succession .
9 It was encrusted in mud and blood and excrement , so that its great-coat was plastered against its trousers .
10 In every enchaînement each step an/or pose must be given its appropriate value by way of beginning , climax and end so that its place is justified by its importance to the whole sentence .
11 Which product was said by its producers in adverts to Prolong Active Life ?
12 Its meaning is defined by its place within the network of signifiers and signifieds : by its differences from the others , and by what it excludes .
13 It is blessed with a sunny position high above the Bodensee , and some of its fame is owed to its standing as a health resort , offering electrotherapy and treatments designed for those recovering from heart attacks , nervous disorders , stress and circulation problems .
14 Its insight is limited by its rejection of theory .
15 At an early stage of his enquiries the local and family historian must become familiar with the shape and size of his parish and learn which places are located within its bounds .
16 Its defects were emphasised by its proximity to Shrubland Park , a splendid Palladian mansion with a long drive and imposing gatehouses , which first-time visitors sometimes mistook for the RCM building .
17 Children may be given tetanus vaccination in the first few weeks of life and its importance is underlined by its inclusion in the primary recommended vaccination schedules which begins at two months .
18 The editorial excellence of their newspaper is founded on its financial success — and this is not assured .
19 Pursuing the image further than the modesty of Wesley would permit , we could in theory have a manner of writing in which there is no style , in which content is presented in its nakedness.A more recent variant of this view is that of French stylisticians such as Bally and Riffaterre , that style is that expressive or emotive element of language which is added to the neutral presentation of the message itself .
20 BP Chemicals also suffered from the recession in Europe , its difficulties being exacerbated by its predominantly UK manufacturing base .
21 Boltanski photographed each of 143 pupils when he visited London in September and he is testing the way in which art is created by its context by also sending the portraits to the pupils ' parents in return for the fee which would have been charged by the school photographer .
22 A substantial minority of all paper readers , 42 per cent , thought their paper was biased in its treatment of the Alliance ; and most of those who did detect bias thought their paper was biased against the Alliance .
23 Its solidarity was achieved by its sense of being a small-scale unit isolated from the rest of society , and frequently preying on it in 1922 .
24 Thus if a business manages to establish that its terms are incorporated into its contracts by signature , it may still find that it can not rely on any of the terms which are subject to the reasonableness test under the Act if , for instance , the business knows the signer did not read the terms before signing .
25 However , whilst it is impossible to guarantee that a business 's terms will be incorporated into all its contracts , if a business takes care to adopt proper contract formation procedures , it can maximise the chances of its terms being incorporated into its contracts , and therefore its chances of being able to rely on those terms should any dispute arise .
26 The IMF is a quasi-academic and apolitical organisation and its advice is based on its assessment of a few key economic ratios .
27 This means that the claim to validity of his work is postponed until its success is demonstrated through its effects in an emancipatory practice .
28 One of them died almost immediately ; its little body was dressed in a clean nightdress and linen cap and its arms were folded on its breast ; then it was taken at night to be buried .
29 Waves organize themselves into trains so that , as one of their number expires , a memory of its strength is bequeathed to its successors , consolidating their length ( the distance between crests ) and speed and height .
30 Its injustice was expressed in its provocation of human pain and disorder as ‘ ties of kindred may be torn violently asunder ’ and because law in the plantation colonies was no guardian of order for the slave victims .
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