Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 In case Esau has not yet got the message , he says to him , ‘ Accept , I pray you , my gift that is brought to you , ’ and he uses a new word for gift , berakah .
2 ‘ I love Amenartas with my body and am bound to her , but it is not so with my spirit .
3 The Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill , which affects my constituency and is returning to the House for the third time , now has an EIS which has been published and is freely available to the hon. Members in the Vote Office .
4 Norman Bayles was a cousin to my father and was related to Mother through the Tallentire family .
5 I tell you , after a long life of many escapes , many dramas which might have been tragedies , what I want and would value most is to be free to choose as much of my life as is given to me — to live it by my own lights , Mary , to do , insofar as God wills it , what I want to do to the very hilt and limit . ’
6 In ‘ the old days ’ field officers ( at least in the southern authority ) enjoyed a high degree of personal contact with their superiors and were subjected to few demands from headquarters :
7 ICI gives the highest priority to the proper management of all wastes arising from its activities and is committed to providing more detailed information on its discharges .
8 HP , a more consensus-run establishment , might be a bit more tepid this week in its enthusiasms but is believed to be sending observers with at least a statement of goodwill .
9 ’ But Aunt Louise had closed her eyes and was pretending to be asleep .
10 If they can come to a binding agreement , the prisoners will both profess their innocence and be sentenced to two years .
11 As the politicians try to find a mutually acceptable way forward towards democracy , it is feared disillusioned activists are no longer answerable to the higher echelons of their parties and are turning to crime .
12 Even in the case of the large church with a regular new members ' class , this may need to be supplemented by a sponsorship scheme in which the converts are matched with church members of the same sex and similar age and background , to help them find their feet and be introduced to the family .
13 Saltburn/Marske and New Marske parish council wants to form a junior version of its council and is to write to the headteachers at Bydales , Marske and Huntcliff , Saltburn , schools to drum up interest .
14 He 'd seen her shudder and was rising to his feet , his gaze resting momentarily on her breasts , making her self-consciously aware of the thrust of her nipples against the stretch fabric .
15 Parvin had measured her friend and was waiting to be measured .
16 All the ships , large and small , which had been held up for days past , had now unfurled their sails and were putting to sea .
17 Joanna had dislocated her hip and was admitted to hospital .
18 The taxi ride from the airport to the little village where she was staying , only six kilometres from Nice , had been uncomfortable because the air-conditioning in the car had broken down three days before her arrival and was waiting to be repaired , and all in all her last vestiges of good humour had finally bitten the dust as she 'd stood in front of the house and realised that it had n't finished being built .
19 The Female Beggar in An Evening Walk — the first of Wordsworth 's deserted women — laments for her soldier ‘ Asleep on Bunker 's charnel hill afar ’ , and the Female Vagrant , having followed her husband across the Atlantic , loses him and her children and is reduced to destitution .
20 The idiosyncratic nature of Our Daily Bread was appreciated at the time of its release and was attributed to the obvious conflict between Vidor 's convictions and box-office considerations .
21 Equally , you can not read about its history and be moved to sympathy by those revelations .
22 ‘ We 'd arranged that she would call in while you and Vitor were here , but unfortunately she 's sprained her ankle and is confined to home .
23 However , the waiter in the Piazza del Campo had taken Hugh 's camera off their table and was waving to them to sit closer .
24 In general however , women were sent back to their music and their embroidery and were told to be submissive .
25 In these troubled times Jesus conducted his ministry and was put to death .
26 He had his fingers to his lips and was pointing to his right .
27 Pierre Matisse , son of the painter Henri , also had works by Miró in his own personal collection but it would appear that all the works acquired by Katshuda belonged to his gallery and were intended to be sold .
28 But he admitted allowing under age sex and the smoking of cannabis in his home and was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment on each charge to run concurrently .
29 Transport Secretary John MacGregor , MP for Norfolk South , has been approached by the family of Bondone of his constituents and is believed to be making his own contact with Sir Nicholas .
30 The victim , 21-year-old local man Paul Sanders , suffered cuts and severe bruising to his head and was taken to Basingstoke District Hospital .
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