Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
2 ‘ I was absolutely taken aback by my result and by the national result , ’ he admitted .
3 The groups discussed my problems and in the empowering atmosphere it came as quite natural that someone should suggest I start up my own campaign .
4 Oh he was on the river he he was always connected with the river my father and in the First World War they towed the dredger from here to Ramsgate and er he was , he was in the Army but he was connected to the Inland Water Transport and cos they were dredging out the harbour at Ramsgate .
5 But 60-year-old Bill has hit hard times and said : ‘ I do n't want to sell my memorabilia but at the same time I refuse to sign on the dole — I 'm too proud for that . ’
6 With a peremptory jerk of her head , and a wordless signal of command , Rainbow 's dancing partner orders me out of my subject and into the nearest dark comer .
7 Although there is nothing in the measurements to suggest it , the sound comes to my ear as on the warm side of strick neutrality — perhaps rich would be a better description .
8 I can not , it seems , both be aware of my hand and at the same time aware of that awareness .
9 ‘ That was taken out of my hands because of the uncertain future of the club , ’ Barrow added .
10 I was certainly to do with feeling that I would have to be a little bit slimmer , that I would have to be acceptable to other people , that I would have to change my shape and at the same time , I could not resist consuming large amounts of food .
11 There is an objectivity behind the subjectivity of our preferences which entitles you to recommend to me a dish which you do not choose yourself and which I have hitherto been repelled by , but may come to like if I can forget my prejudices and for the first time attend closely to the flavour .
12 My mind was n't on my driving and for the first time I almost collided with another taxi .
13 I have already put forward my view that in the foreseeable future there is unlikely to be a sufficiency of common purpose or tradition to create out of a federal Parliament the necessary cohesion for it to control , or even to have much influence over , the unelected central bodies , especially the Commission and the Court of Justice .
14 Hence they will not substitute their views as to the proper management of a company but they are prepared to articulate standards of review which are designed to catch self-dealing on the part of managers .
15 The trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice express their views as to the proper period to be served by the prisoner for the purposes of retribution and deterrence voluntarily , in accordance with the agreement made by the Lord Chief Justice with the Home Secretary .
16 The smaller the animal the more heat proportionately it loses from its skin because of the increased area:volume ratio .
17 When Ramond de Carbonnières came to Campan , in the later eighteenth century , he saw it as an Arcadia , both for the excellence of its pasture and for the independent spirit of its peasantry , whose self-sufficiency seemed a model to this fundamentally democratic man .
18 Refusing to let even this distorted version of myth lie still , the next lines confirm the evolutionary idea , lowering its level while at the same time raising the domestic temperature to the tropical :
19 I believe that means the US government has a role in its funding and in the contractual arrangements for the sale . ’
20 ( 1630–1714 ) , princess of the Palatinate and mother of George I , was born 14 October 1630 in The Hague , the youngest of five daughters and the youngest but one of the thirteen children of Frederick V ( 1596–1632 ) , elector Palatine ( 1610–32 ) and the ‘ winter king ’ of Bohemia ( 1619–21 ) , and his wife Elizabeth ( 1596–1622 ) , the daughter of James I. Born in exile , because of Frederick 's expulsion from Bohemia and the Palatinate , Sophia 's importance in history was derived from her parentage and from the unpredictable fate of the Stuarts .
21 I tried to show pleasure at their decision and at the same time annoyance that our contract simply would n't permit it .
22 They assert that the payments to Anser were transactions at an undervalue made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts and within the relevant period of time stipulated in section 240 .
23 There are no exact figures for the numbers of Salvadoreans who have been forced to leave their homes because of the civil war , Some are economic refugees , but the great majority have fled because of the repression .
24 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
25 Seeing her as innately beautiful , especially after she gave birth to the child she was bearing , was to applaud her regeneration and at the same time redeem his own unattractiveness .
26 During wartime and the postwar era of government price control , electricity undertakings had in many cases been prevented from raising domestic tariffs to meet increased costs , and had drawn instead on their reserves and on the automatic increases paid by larger ( mainly industrial ) consumers under the coal-cost increase clause of their special tariffs .
27 Other countries , especially those in surplus , were facing an inflow of dollars in exchange for their currencies because of the potential capital gains that would accrue to speculators if the dollar was devalued .
28 Their alternative name , Vlah ( Wallachian ) , suggests their origin but by the nineteenth century most had become Hellenised , speaking and acting as intermediaries between the Greek clergy and their Serbian parish priests .
29 The old DDT sprays got into them through their feet and through the biting jaws but , like so many poisons , just as many friends are knocked over as foes , and the indiscriminate use of DDT is now banned in this country .
30 When the dragon had flighted across the market place of Antioch , and Margaret had found herself swept up between the huge teeth , she had laughed like a child at the brief glance she had had of the panic around her ; she had laughed from the pure unexpectedness of her escape and at the terrified way the mighty Olybrius had nearly swallowed his moustaches .
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