Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] [pron] [be] of " in BNC.

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1 answers my question but it 's of some considerable relevance is n't it .
2 My friends and I were of the resistance .
3 The ladies were not quite so successful in disposing of their offspring as they were of their husbands , though they did their best .
4 This is as true of the patrician Tories and the outraged-of- Tunbridge Wells brigade to which The Daily Telegraph under Worsthorne 's editorship was still directing its leaders as it was of The Guardian 's public sector-employed army of veterans from 1968 whose retreat was traced across the pages of MT throughout the 80s .
5 He points out that most certified trainees come straight from school and so are cheaper to employ in the earlier stages of their qualification when they are of less use .
6 The Guérignys were simple people , as fearful of strangers on their land as they were of foxes .
7 Another figure of Hercules with a bow appears on a beaker from Godmanchester ( fig. 14.38 ) Only the top of the bow survives but it is clear from its shape that it is of the eastern type .
8 It was almost as if they considered him to be as much a victim of his government as they were of theirs , as if he could no more be held responsible for Reagan 's actions than they could for Gaddafi 's .
9 There was more interest to be taken in the prospect of damages due to the newspaper insertion — the first only , the second was in order — than to any lessening of a father 's due rights over his daughter until she was of age .
10 Julian , although knowing through putting them on his arms that they were of different lengths , said they were ‘ the same ’ .
11 Nevertheless , there is just as much of a chance that you will win through your difficulties as there is of reaching the point of throwing in the towel .
12 ‘ My lord — ’ she said at length ‘ — I can not believe that my lord of Gloucester , being your uncle and the acknowledged protector of the realm , intends aught else than to rule in your name until you are of age .
13 Our inclusion of speaking and listening as a separate profile component in our recommendations is a reflection of our conviction that they are of central importance to children 's development .
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