Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] [adj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All three of these have entries for strontium in their indices and all refer the reader to an entry for ‘ alkaline earth metals ’ , where yet more information is forthcoming .
2 In a region that prides itself on its cuisine and that boasts a strong tourist industry , it might have been supposed that indigenous entrepreneurs would leap at such an opportunity .
3 The most effective way in which any group , conscious of its oppression and concerned to change the relationships of oppression , can organise , is without the participation of the oppressors in the process of resistance .
4 The National Union was then hostile to coalition and quite determined to use its independence if necessary to protect the interests of the party .
5 Indeed , it is not unusual for someone recently retired ( and perhaps looking forward to it ) to find themselves coping with sharply increasing dependency of their parents and unable to enjoy the period of active leisure which they were anticipating .
6 The ways in which SPAR and CLE-1 tackle the problems were compared , leading to pointers for the development of CLE-2 , which is intended to combine CLE-1 's wide coverage of individual linguistic phenomena with a more robust architecture that is sensitive to the interaction of different processes .
7 The aquarium has been successful in reproducing anemones , nudibranchs and various shelled molluscs ; octopods ; Crustaceans , especially shrimps , with a view to commercial farming for the aquarium ; and starfish which have proved so bountiful that their eggs and young provide an endless supply of food for other specimens .
8 Leftfield go all New Yorky on us to demonstrate that there are more shades to their colour than first meets the eye , but really it 's the pair of Zoom mixes that hold the trump cards .
9 Acts of Parliament were obtained in 1896 to authorise the construction of sewers down the length of its valley and these relieved the overburdened river of much of its unpleasantness .
10 To me , the third striking aspect of my aunt 's remark is her ability or right to predict the future for me .
11 They persuaded their father to let them use it to eat their porridge and this became a habit with them .
12 Yes , you could stop his money but that has the effect of privatizing the monarchy .
13 Thus , if a patient who is aware of the nature of his condition and competent to make a decision refuses further treatment from his doctor , then continued treatment is unlawful , as constituting a battery or a criminal assault .
14 18–7 James McDonald , a servant at Islay House , asked for baptism for his child and this brought the first case of antenuptial fornication .
15 Dr Clarke brings powerful evidence to bear in support of his contention that 1931 marked a watershed in Keynes 's development .
16 E.S.B. was dead tired and Dave Dick had accepted that he would not win , for Devon Loch was scooting along , increasing his lead and certain to land a famous and hugely popular victory .
17 They were previously in the collection of the artist and his wife and many have the archive stamp of that collection on the reverse .
18 In his early days with us Hamilton was one of those attacking centre-halves who made for great excitement , supporting his forwards and ever-ready to have a go at goal .
19 The second mugger was black , taller than his accomplice and stocky wearing a bracelet on his wrist .
20 Although such overtures to work the mines were directed at the Lord of the Manor , really at this time the landowner was not it , a proper legal position to let out the veins on his land where these Carried the Royal Minerals , gold and silver .
21 One of them came up behind him and hooked an arm around his throat while another snatched the whip from his hand .
22 Use the wiring loom fitted to the later IIa These were negative earth and will fit your vehicle As this has a dynamo system replace with an alternator Connect the two A terminal wires to the F terminal wire on the regulator box wiring insulate the other wires and tape up Connect the small terminal wire on the loom to the warning
23 Pergolas and arches are not so bad for accessibility , but dead-heading means work above your head and that entails the use of steps , which require a firm path or surface before you place yourself at risk on them .
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