Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [pron] [vb -s] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It said : ‘ I 'm much criticised for part of a written order under my signature which includes a sentence that the Yugoslavian nationals were not to be told their destination .
2 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
3 Novella no longer needs to feel gratitude that in her case she has a father who has allowed her to teach in his place ; she has parted the curtain and is speaking for herself — in as many tongues as she pleases .
4 NatWest paid around £355,000 for the freehold to Pearl Assurance , and for its money it has a building with a ground floor of 1,952 sq ft plus first floor offices of 1,749 sq ft .
5 Party loyalty is by no means an irrelevant factor in explaining and predicting the behaviour of congressmen , but on any issue that they perceive to be contentious within their districts nobody expects a member of Congress to put party before district .
6 At the centre of their hive there sits a queen , radiating her implacable commands through the labyrinthine tunnels .
7 There may be someone who 's a bit unsteady on her feet who has a passion for old time dancing .
8 With no high level of education they lay claim instead to ‘ experience ’ — an intimate familiarity with the way things have been done in the past — and ‘ common sense ’ — a rich fund of practical knowledge about the job and its problems which inculcates a sense of the reasonable .
9 Because of the slimness of their bodies it means a shoal of bream , particularly when resting between feeding times , can pack quite tightly together and become a much smaller target than they would present if rotundly shaped .
10 In her sleep she sets an easel facing
11 In her book she describes a conversation with a poet friend while resting on a climb to the top of the highest beacon in the Malvern range .
12 Claudia summons her servant who brings a coffee pot .
13 In the other the Lapith 's left hand must have been gripping the Centaur 's head ( lost ) while with his right he thrusts a weapon into the breast of the creature , who yet will not let go of his prize with either hand though with both hers she tugs at one .
14 In his cellar he has a workshop where he enjoys ‘ messing around ’ with clubs , mostly putters and drivers .
15 But like his friend he holds a shotgun .
16 You know , through his wife he has a claim to the throne of Castille ; through his grandmother to the throne of France .
17 On his head he wears a head-dress of lion mane .
18 He spoke of his incentive to art as being that of ‘ exhilarated despair ’ and from nearly all of his paintings there emerges a scream as chilling as that which Munch so memorably depicted 99 years ago .
19 In his paper he exemplifies an approach to the teaching of stylistics that keeps technical jargon to a minimum and that aims to develop in the students a keen sensitivity for the way in which all levels of language , including grammatical choices , can contribute to the creation of aesthetic effects .
20 With his finger he draws a line across the middle , roughly dividing the north from the south .
21 And the the fact that you 've got Alan there in the strengths and weaknesses is without Alan may struggle significantly because it 's it 's his management style , his vision which drives a company on .
22 In his Filofax he has a list of possible sources — ‘ a certain Sly Stone LP , track two , side one , outro chorus ’ — for the next album 's songs .
23 In his hands he holds a snuff box , shaped like a small quiver , and a thin stick .
24 If one creditor then sues for the balance of his debt he commits a breach of contract with each of those creditors .
25 Because of his shape he has an air of dignity and power , standing or sitting .
26 In the Eighties , he made a remarkable body of neon art and it is that side of his activity which forms an exhibition at Anthony d'Offay ( to 16 May ) .
27 Even at this moment , I see that in your gaze which finds an echo in my own heart ! ’
28 The latter is either a private network , or one set up by the local authority in your area which operates an alarm system at a central control point .
29 Now yesterday afternoon I said to our Joe I fancies a bit of chocolate .
30 when you 're doing your puzzle you makes a mistake there you can rub it out .
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