Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [pron] [adv] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I fall asleep in my chair he always sits on my lap .
2 I would often hear from my assistant who now looks after Cher , but at that time was delegated to looking after me , and she would say that she 'd just come back from the MainMan offices and the main office door was closed into DeFries 's inner sanctum and there were raised voices between him and David in there .
3 Er , I stayed at Erm that was the house erm belonged to my cousin He still lives in that house .
4 The difficulty with any kind of platonism that claims the ontological primacy of qualities — or any kind of universals — is that in presenting its case it implicitly relies on certain assumptions about existentially unique particulars , which no sooner are made explicit than the whole platonist case is shown to be built on sand .
5 Her patterns she now produces with ease ,
6 ‘ It will now be necessary to observe that animals are more frequently attacked by epizootic , endemic and contagious diseases than the human species because we are protected from these casualties by our Houses , Clothing and manner of Living , in short by all the precautions that reason dictates , whilst animals are deprived of all these recourses and are constantly exposed to dangers which we avoid by the above-mentioned precautions , besides their food and drink is constantly the same , which often is the cause of a fermentation in their blood which generally terminates in stubborn and fatal diseases .
7 Spilsby is well known locally for its Theatre which regularly puts on performances to provide musical and dramatic culture in this rural township so inaccessibly far from the big city footlights .
8 About 18 months ago , she became aware of the successful development of sales of the product in Germany and Sweden and began her project which now hinges on a decision to be made by Perth and Kinross District council today .
9 Her son who also lives on the site says he 's confident the homes are safe …
10 Her son who also lives on the site says he 's confident the homes are safe …
11 No doubt there was speech addressed from them to him speech he now glosses as ‘ greeting with abuse and swearing ’ .
12 Meeting Nur Bai was clearly one of the highlights of Khan 's visit to Delhi and at the end of his description he quietly drops in the fact that he ‘ had the good fortune of spending some time in her company … ’
13 Wyllie , on the point of launching his biography which immodestly refers to him as ‘ The Legend , ’ says he no longer wants the job and has not let his name be put forward .
14 His blackness he now regards as a personal stabilizer rather than a means for rejecting society .
15 The programme of many modern philosophers , therefore , has been to develop a conception of man and his mind which either disposes of or downgrades the inner , private arena , making the function of mind essentially a part of the public and physical world .
16 Although the Boss always fights with his Mob he still counts as a Character and his points cost must be reckoned with the Character points allowance .
17 There may be some justification for the ( insular ) suspicion that when the Emperor is restocking his wardrobe he usually shops in Paris ; but the rashionability or ideas does not or itself constitute an honest argument against them ; indeed , to offer this as one 's main response is to betray intellectual bankruptcy .
18 What makes it possible to ask meaningfully in respect of a given existent not only in what way it qualitatively differs from any other type of existent , but what makes it numerically , existentially unique ?
19 We have great hope that your Majesty who always has at heart anything that can be useful for the peace of the world , will use her personal influence , as well as that of Prince Albert whose influence is so great in Germany , in order to achieve this end .
20 Do you remember Stephen the gardener , and darling Bessie your nanny who still writes to me , and whom we found again when we went into Burma on our way home from Australia ?
21 ‘ Not to mention your mother who still lives in Yazd . ’
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