Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
2 Is it compulsory for my child to be involved in Compact ?
3 Er , it 's not in my nature to be authoritarian with my students but if I could be authoritarian I would say look , you 're not allowed to use that word , and if you do you 've got ta pay a pound .
4 When they visit I expect my husband to be polite to them .
5 Alexandra felt the six accusing , disappointed eyes turned upon her as she came in , three Bewicks who despised her for her inability to be one of them .
6 Unfortunately , her husband could not reconcile himself to having married a commoner and even taught their sons to be disrespectful to her when they were young .
7 However the problems they are confronted with suppress their capability to be effective to a significant degree .
8 He wished its effect to be that of edging his audience and the nation in a particular direction .
9 To stay and gain promotion within a work enterprise would have acted as a brake on their aspirations to be independent of employment .
10 Though oil companies have previously used converted tankers for similar purposes , the £70 million Alba vessel is the first of its type to be purpose-built for holding on station by a novel technology developed by the Glasgow-based marine specialists YARD .
11 The Piaroa daily express to one another their right to private choice and their right to be free from domination over a wide range of matters , such as residence , work , self development , and even marriage .
12 Companies that arc heavily involved in foreign trade , or whose markets are seasonal , can expect their banks to be responsive to variations in liquidity and generally act as financial advisers .
13 It was not in her character to be any of those things and she felt cheap and foolish , like a wicked child caught stealing .
14 The disaffected population referred to above were not active in either of the neighbourhood societies and perceived their aims to be remote from their own needs .
15 Massey 's schemata is useful here , especially if we follow her instruction to be concerned with the real relationships among our objects of study rather than formal legal relations .
16 The final breaking point between Khomeini and the Shah came over relations with the United States , In July 1964 the government introduced a bill that allowed American military advisers and their families to be subject to American , no Iranian , courts .
17 There is ample room within the synaptic interactions of even 20,000 neurons for their properties to be those of the system rather than of its individual cells , and claims which were once popular that within insect and crustacean nervous systems one could find key ‘ command ’ neurons have gone the same way as , in eastern Europe , parallel enthusiasm for ‘ command economies ’ — that is , they turn out to be not a good way to organize individual behaviour any more than to run a country .
18 If it could not , then its claim to be one of the great estates in the land was greatly reduced .
19 Regan declares her love to be identical with Goneril 's , only that she has understated it ( we had scarce thought it possible to go beyond Goneril ) : To claim that your love for your father exceeds all the joys which can be derived from the senses — with your newly wedded husband standing by — is to claim too much .
20 Their obligation to be honest with each other outweighed for the first time whatever they owed to anyone else .
21 Some theorists regard the discipline it imposes as the only truly effective constraint on managerial discretion and therefore consider its operation to be crucial to the efficiency of the private enterprise economy .
22 As well as giving her cause to be anxious about Rosemary — whose parents would make life most uncomfortable for her if the rumours circulating the village ever reached them — it was a blow to know that Sebastian would be away for the rest of the year .
23 Masai on the government payroll contentedly drew their salaries and accepted whatever titles were bestowed upon them , but either did nothing or interpreted their duty to be that of spokesmen for their compatriots labouring under some inconvenience inflicted on them by the government .
24 The UK wants the citizens of its colony to be involved in settling their future and to give their legislators the final word on any deal .
25 I , I emphasize , but some of his followers , took the view that anxiety , for example , in children , was pathological , and they , that generation of analysts tried to bring up their children to be free of anxiety , and , and then , you still get this in a lot of popular child psychology today , the idea that anxiety is always bad and always wrong .
26 Most parents expect their children to be clean by the age of 2½ years , but 16 per cent of 3-year-olds still show signs of faecal incontinence once a week or more .
27 She tells her children to be careful on the swings , but that 's not unusual .
28 … She went out of her way to be unpleasant to people .
29 Mrs. Mott went out of her way to be courteous to Sara as though sorry for the initial error she had made .
30 In the past , the Americans opposed the idea of a Palestinian state : there was not enough room , they said ; and , given independence , the people in it might break their promise to be nice to Israel .
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