Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] a [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 Ill just go out of the house without a word , and stay at my club for a few days .
2 ‘ Stay in my flat for a few days and enjoy what you can of the Carnival .
3 I do n't remember what the occasion was — maybe it was my first day at school , or maybe I was staying with my aunt for a few days … ’
4 Then , although I did not believe them for a moment , I stored them away in my memory against a rainy day .
5 He needed their support after a hard day 's work in often uncomfortable conditions .
6 She wanted to get all of the washing out , then cross her fingers for a dry day with a bit of sunshine and a drying wind .
7 The idea had been in the back of her mind for a few days now and this evening had decided it for sure .
8 She forced the Girls through their paces for a complete day , at the end of which they fell exhausted in a line on a bench .
9 Apparently fearing that an increasingly angry president might try to disband the legislature , deputies also voted to continue their session into a fourth day today , ‘ to watch attentively that the executive observes the constitution ’ , in the words of the parliamentary chairman , Ruslan Khasbulatov .
10 The first Leopold heard of it was when his son coolly informed him that he was accompanying Aloysia and her father for a few days to visit the Princess of Orange at Kircheim-Bolanden , where Aloysia was to sing several arias that Wolfgang had written for her .
11 Overnight , as passengers slept soundly in their cabins after a long day ashore , or the more hardy danced and gave in to the temptations of the midnight buffet , the Ocean Empress had weighed anchor and begun to move south again , until , shortly after dawn , the silence of the engines pronounced her arrival in Tenerife off the west coast of Africa .
12 HUSBANDS who complain to their wives after a hard day at work are helping to save their marriage .
13 In particular new potatoes should be bought in small amounts as they lose their freshness within a few days ; they should have a skin which feels damp to the touch and is easily removed by rubbing .
14 The interest in local on-farm training was due no doubt to the difficulty that many found in getting away from their farms for a whole day .
15 Some idea of its business , ranging from the apparently trivial to the significant , can be seen in the contents of its registers for a single day , 21 December 1595 .
16 Even if the Queen ca n't go , she can surely spare at least one member of her family for a few days there .
17 He was aching to tell his friends about the Gooseneck episode , but since it was of human rather than police significance he did n't feel entitled to waste their time during a busy day .
18 Elsewhere another crew struggled against the current , pulling hard on their oars on a windless day .
19 What the game really needs is a career woman — or , at least , one whose idea of a good day 's work is n't in the ballroom with Colonel Mustard and a candlestick .
20 His words of a few days ago came unbidden into her mind .
21 Dorcas vaguely recalled an elderly nome who had once decided that he was a teapot , but he 'd changed his mind after a few days .
22 This is Rupert , a 5 month old Barn Owl who was deserted by his parents at a few days old , but found in time to be saved and hand reared .
23 I went over to his home for a few days to sort out helmet and leather contracts .
24 If she missed his letters for a few days , she would probably stop taking him for granted .
25 David Puttnam will be going round with a quiet smile on his face for a few days .
26 They 're trying to make our course into a three day a week .
27 You might be 37 or 42 when you suddenly see your reflection on a bad day and are shocked to discover you 're not the 32 you feel inside .
28 ‘ We thought we would only be away from our village for a few days , ’ she said .
29 Q When you look at your diary after a few days , and your tally of tantrums , are they part of a more general pattern ?
30 Thus the years at Halton fell away like the beech leaves from the trees around the camp some golden , some dark brown , but only one black that covered the parade grounds and even got into our billets on a windy day in the autumn .
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