Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] [noun] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 No , what really frightened old Shallot and turned my innards to water was the thought of the beast Wolsey served , Henry VIII by the grace of God , King of England , Ireland and France .
2 I wrote to the effect that I did indeed look forward to life with him , and that my guidelines for living were the same as his .
3 The most amusing thing about the period of my engagement to Karen was the degree of role reversal involved .
4 But to say that my desire for coffee is the cause is not to deny that there are physical structures in my brain that are the cause , or that those structures are present because of my previous experience .
5 ‘ In a team event like this , the difficulty from my point of view is the varying personalities of the girls as they go into the consecutive matches .
6 ‘ In a team event like this , the difficulty from my point of view is the varying personalities of the girls as they go into the consecutive matches .
7 I tapped my nose like solitaire was the only game in town .
8 One of the first things to happen after my arrival at Bourn was the phasing out of Stirling bombers , so that the one that followed me around the perimeter track must have been one of the last to operate from there .
9 Central to my analysis of goals is the proposition that the backgrounds of individuals provide us with themes or patterns which reappear in values , beliefs and goals , and then overtly in behaviour .
10 My date of birth was the thirty first of the , of the seventh , O nine .
11 Her rise to prominence was the culmination of a career which combined a feminist commitment to challenging male sexual behaviour , with traditional beliefs in moralizing philanthropy directed at the poor .
12 Among those which retain their unity of treatment are the Grandes Places in Brussels and in Antwerp .
13 Progesterone is thus a mixed blessing and its presence in HRT is the single most important reason why women abandon it .
14 I include it under the heading of embellishment because its framework of reference is the classical theory of the grand , elevated or sublime style .
15 The Synoptic Gospels ( Matthew , Mark , Luke ) in the New Testament and the Old Testament book of Kings with its parallel in Chronicles are the exceptions .
16 This retreat into the safety of headquarters with its separation from reality is the route for these ‘ bastards with no teeth ’ ; it is the rightful place for those ‘ nine-til-five administrators who turn up when real polises have been up and at it for hours , and then ask their daft questions because of their lack of practical experience ’ .
17 Cruzcampo has enjoyed some important successes in 1992 , with its pavilion at Expo being the most popular with over one million visitors .
18 Her marriage to Bill was the beginning of a very happy part of her life and his death in 1990 left her bereft .
19 Her medal of honour was the first awarded to a member of the administrative staff .
20 Goneril 's letter declaring her desire to Edmund is the means by which the truth is finally revealed : again appetite destroys itself .
21 At which period of trading were the raw materials first imported for each of the industries shown in the picture ?
22 Their point of departure was the pre-mechanisation tradition of ‘ single place ’ working in the Durham and Northumberland coalfields .
23 Equally important for our evaluation of their theory of labour is the different view of exchange held by modern anthropology and Marx and Engels .
24 From conversations with research students , one common factor in their use of theses is the desire to see ‘ how other people have written up their work ’ .
25 Batteries and their method of contact are the heart of any detector … keep 'em clean , tight , and right !
26 Its use for childbirth was the focus of great controversy , which itself sheds light on the contradictions surrounding the idea of the female .
27 A key issue is what factors determine which mode of coordination is the most appropriate for particular economic arrangements .
28 Their game against Bangor was the very first one in the newly-formed League of Wales .
29 Their equivalent in Africa is the zorilla , but its chemical impact is not quite so impressive .
30 The man representing English-speaking Canada in its negotiations with Quebec is the prime minister , himself a loyal Quebecker from a Quebec riding [ constituency ] .
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