Example sentences of "[art] fact [conj] it has [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I think its financial problems stem from its youth and the fact that it has ploughed whatever money it has back into the charity .
2 Even the Tech , which has trumpeted the fact that it has pushed hard for a greater training element , has only been enabl able to include such elements as health and safety , job search , an enhancement of skills relevant to the job that is being done .
3 Will my right hon. Friend take time to congratulate British industry on the fact that it has achieved record exports in the past quarter , that 27 of the top 50 European companies are British and that Britain exports more of its national product than Japan ?
4 The brewery is unique in many respects , especially as a result of the outstanding beauty of its buildings , pond and meticulously maintained surroundings , this being due in no small part to the fact that it has remained in the hands of the Arkell family for well over a century .
5 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
6 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
7 Harvard has a reputation as the premier medical school in North America , and the fact that it has chosen to introduce sweeping changes in its course is likely to make other schools take stock of what it is doing .
8 ‘ The chance of a lifetime ’ did n't arrive at the most convenient moment for Helen Dobson ( seven months into a new job ) but when it came she grabbed it , in spite of the fact that it has left her biting her nails about future career prospects .
9 Banking and dealing room software house Kapiti Ltd reckons that it is reaping the rewards of investment in new product development , and the fact that it has spread itself over a wide geographical area .
10 The fact that it has won it eight out of ten years is n't registered , only glee that it has been beaten .
11 Determined not to undermine his DEC marketing team 's present offerings , Goodnight makes big beef about the fact that it has sold some 3,500 versions of SAS in the last three months .
12 Colleagues , the government 's inertia in tackling the crisis in industry stems from the fact that it has convinced itself , if not the general public , that there is no problem .
13 The interest of Jakobson 's theory , then , is that — apart from the fact that it has had such wide circulation — it shows both the strengths and limitations of the linguistic approach to literature .
14 But , despite the fact that it has capitalised on an unproven reputation ever since , it was not so much health which eventually transformed Brighton as royal patronage and high fashion in which the exercises of the spa served largely as a formal excuse for other , equally demanding , pleasures .
15 The system is using it for itself , but you can not run away from the fact that it has helped a lot of women to pursue careers rather than to sit down and nurse babies .
16 The fact that it has happened before , or even that the opportunity is always there is something I do n't mention .
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