Example sentences of "[art] few [noun] [subord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The deterioration in my companion 's movements in the few weeks since I had last seen him was distressing to observe .
2 I ca n't remember now whether in fact we were allowed any at all while we were in the Waaf , but I know that for the few years after I became a civilian again and clothes rationing still went on , the ration allocation was so small that the prospect of buying , for instance , a new winter coat was exceedingly small for most women , especially those with children , whose needs had to come first .
3 It seemed impossible that only a few hours before I had been happy in my cell at the aerodrome .
4 He called on me at the apartment a few hours before I left for the airport .
5 Just give me a few minutes while I get dressed and I shall be ready to go with you .
6 Can you excuse me for a few minutes while I have a word with the others and then I 'll be straight back to you ? ’
7 A few minutes after I had told him I was n't going on , a gang of his thugs suddenly appeared and pointed machine-guns at us and ordered us to get up on stage .
8 I 'll be able to model your gown ; it 's right at the end of the show , so I 'll have a few minutes after I 've finished Roman 's clothes . ’
9 Rather unfairly , as he had been very nice that morning , it was a few minutes before I remembered there was a third guest present .
10 It 's only for a few minutes till I buy these and then you can have a turn at walking .
11 I could get to the car-park in a few minutes if I wanted to and be near him , thinking of him — his problems over , lying on the brown eiderdown in his blue pyjamas .
12 I only saw Stephen a few times before I went back to prison .
13 I do carry a few prizes if I have requests but I prefer to have people involved and enjoying games for the fun of joining in and having a good time , rather than to win a reward .
14 Fosdyke was all alone , had been for a few days since I had dinner with him in fact . ’
15 But today the prostate operation is routine , as I discovered when I visited the operating theatre a few days after I had had mine .
16 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
17 Then , a few days after I got back from Oxford , I got a telegram to say I had a scholarship .
18 He left after a few days as I said .
19 ‘ I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days until I 'd sorted things out with my parents .
20 Uplands kept its wholesaling operation going for a few years after I left , but it does n't exist any more ; I think the day of the really small wholesaler is gone . ’
21 Oh he had that Cavalier for a few years after I sold it .
22 ‘ The plant has been neglected for a few years so I thought I 'd give it some plant food and water and to my astonishment this was the result , ’ said Margaret .
23 To me it was all familiar ( why , only a few years before I 'd danced there with a stiff-backed medical student by the name of Achille Flaubert ) .
24 It had been a few years since I 'd ridden a bike but it 's like sex , providing you do n't fall off , you soon get back into the swing of it .
25 It was just a fantasy I nurtured for a few years as I puffed and panted my way through the ten-foots and alleyways of downtown Hull .
26 I saw no signs and had gone a few miles before I saw my first human being .
27 He arrived a few weeks before me at the Elephant and retired just a few weeks before I left the department after the 1987 general election .
28 Q I recently became the owner of a pond which I planted and then left for a few weeks before I put the fish in .
29 But , says Frank , ‘ a few weeks before I got to see a specialist I passed what looked like a bucket-full of blood into the toilet .
30 She was er I mean was a pop s ex pop singer , I 'd only just stopped singing a few weeks before I started to work with Sybil and she could not have been more gracious and generous in helping me get through it .
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