Example sentences of "[art] government ['s] [noun] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Probably about ten per cent , if his memory of his own days still held ; perhaps less , considering the government 's attitude that the universities could only justify their existence by pre-packaging high-level robots for industry .
2 In Britain , the sovereignty of Parliament was conceived in opposition to royal absolutism ; in the United States the separation of powers limits the government 's powers and the constitution is sovereign .
3 Phillips rejects the government 's assessment that the 6 per cent increase in the science budget represented level funding in real terms .
4 In the form in which the proposals on community service appeared in the Bill they owed something also to the Government 's hope that the new measure would be seen as a credible alternative to custodial sentences , thus contributing towards the aim of bringing down the prison population .
5 It is the Government 's hope that the non A level student , wishing to continue in full-time general education will increasingly come to consider the opportunity offered by C.P.V.E. Whilst this exam has yet to establish itself with either students or employers , there can be little doubt that it is here to stay .
6 Hence the major cause of unemployment lies outside the government 's responsibility and a Labour government would not have made much difference .
7 Do these figures prove the government 's case that the LDDC is good value for money ?
8 The Government 's insistence that the Channel tunnel rail link be privately-financed is being seen as the first stage in a longer term plan to privatise the entire British Rail network .
9 The government 's finances and the creation of money were out of control .
10 Care management practice , which has been mentioned earlier , is so fundamental to good community care and such a key part of Griffiths ' and the government 's proposals that a further word about it is necessary here .
11 After the usual preliminaries and courtesies from the Chair , the Minister of Transport outlined the Government 's proposals before the Chairman threw the subject open for discussion .
12 According to The Government 's Expenditure Plans to 1984/85 ( Cmnd.8494 , 1982 ) it is the government 's aim that the customers of the nationalized industries will have charges levied against them sufficient to find 75 per cent of capital expenditure .
13 The poll tax is an albatross round the Government 's neck and the council tax will be another , because the Government will not allow proper debate on it in the House .
14 This is a natural sequel to the government 's belief that the Tunnel will have no particular regional implications and in line with its generally sceptical attitude towards the merits of strategic planning .
15 In a statement to the House of Commons on April 18 Nicholas Ridley , the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , confirmed the government 's belief that the cylinders were part of a gun , the scale of which was " outside anything previously experienced " .
16 Nor did the Socialists abandon political appointments ; indeed , the growing number of party activists occupying senior management posts in public enterprises ( see Diario 16 , 30 January 1985 ) illustrated the government 's belief that the introduction of its policies of commercialism was an operation demanding political rather than purely managerial skill .
17 The financial reality of Docklands reveals the systematic confusion that surrounds the government 's claim that the Docklands is an example of the market regenerating the inner cities .
18 The Government 's claim that the new income support scheme is more generous than the now-defunct supplementary benefit system will be considered below .
19 I am not saying that we should allow industry to pollute , and I entirely support the Government 's claim that the polluter should pay .
20 We share the Government 's disappointment that the provisions introduced by the 1981 Town and Country Planning ( Minerals ) Act , have not been widely used .
21 ‘ Grand Met keeps saying it is the government 's fault and the government keeps blaming Grand Met .
22 Lord Malmesbury queried the Government 's view that the concentration of offices would produce a saving in ground rents , when the land alone for the block scheme ‘ would cost a million and a half of money ’ .
23 It is the government 's view that the actual cash spent must be considered in relation to , and made consistent with , the government 's objectives for taxation , the borrowing requirements and the money supply .
24 It is the Government 's view that the Commission should be thinking of ways of saving taxpayers ' money , not justifying fresh reasons for expending it .
25 The document , being unveiled this afternoon , challenged the Government 's view that the present level of spending on pensions is unsustainable .
26 A better piece of news for the Government yesterday came from Brussels , where there were indications that German and Spanish EC finance ministers were gradually swinging round to the Government 's view that the social chapter would lose jobs rather than protect them .
27 During bitter exchanges in the Commons , Mr Smith challenged Mr Major over the about-turn in the Government 's view that the passing of Labour 's amendment — with the support of Tory rebels — would wreck the bill .
28 I do not believe that the museum world will recognise the picture of the Government 's stewardship that the Minister sought to paint .
29 We did not discuss Richard , only the Government 's action and the terrible news from Hungary .
30 The public importance of the issue , and the high journalistic standards deployed in putting the programme together , were subsequently emphasised by an independent enquiry chaired by Lord Windlesham , which conclusively refuted the Government 's allegations that the programme had been deliberately biased and had prejudiced the inquest in Gibraltar .
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