Example sentences of "[art] company ['s] [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 The two year deal took nine months to negotiate , according to Neuron Data chairman and chief executive officer Patrick Perez , and is worth a little more than the company 's entire turnover for the month of December last year — see below .
2 He ( often ‘ she ’ ) hires , fires ( well … ‘ appraises ’ anyway ) , decides the pay , and is the company 's key communicator for his band of IBMers .
3 Analysts say that as a result , the company 's financial room for manoeuvre is becoming limited .
4 Fans of the exciting Paul Mitchell Systems range will be aware of the company 's relentless campaign for a better world .
5 The low price of sugar before 1690 , the dangers of war after 1690 , the Company 's inadequate provision for depreciation , and the planters ' unwillingness to pay their debts , might between them have ruined the Company in any case , but the end of the monopoly must have contributed something to the collapse .
6 I have obtained the permission of the chairman to sell the shares as required by the company 's inhouse rules for directors ' dealings .
7 Furthermore , an assessment of the company 's future requirements for information processing indicated that new systems should provide the facility for online updating of records and access to information to replace the existing asynchronous batch processing facilities .
8 The rosebowl is the company 's annual award for consistent high quality service to customers .
9 The Crown claimed a declaration that on the true construction of the agreement the company 's chargeable profits for the period were agreed at £66,030,816 , and the company 's appeal against the assessment was determined accordingly .
10 H J Banks have received a memento of the fifth Weardale triathlon to mark the company 's continuing support for the event .
11 The purchase contract must be available for inspection at the company 's registered office for 15 days prior to the EGM and at the EGM ( s164(6) ) .
12 Mr Welch geared up the company 's locomotive-manufacturing business for a much-ballyhooed revival in American railways that never happened .
13 It found that the company 's true deficit for 1982 was some 200 billion ( CEFE 1984 : 22 ) , a sum equal to roughly 1 per cent of GDP , and that , unless it was checked , it could reach 400 billion pesetas or even higher by 1986 .
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