Example sentences of "[art] same [noun] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those with a surplus gave to the English poor with the same mixture of motives with which donations are now made to Oxfam .
2 It has not proved viable to run a separate tour for Friends only , so DA Study Tours are offering Friends the opportunity to join the very similar tour featured in their brochure ‘ Northern Lights ’ for the same price of £639 per person .
3 In order to comply with Community law , it was now necessary to agree the same date of retirement for both sexes .
4 Minister of Science William Waldegrave , may have released the first major UK government White Paper on science and technology for over 10 years yesterday , but information technology professionals need n't hold their breath : while Waldegrave seems to think we should count ourselves lucky because we 've got our own research council for the first time , it would be more truthful to say we 've been stuffed into the miscellaneous section of the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council , along with the electronic , electrical and communications industries ; our body , together with the Particle Physics and Sciences Research Council , will replace the Science and Engineering Research Council ; as a result , we will benefit ‘ from the same building of bridges between research bodies and industry ’ as the rest of the reorganised bodies and should experience interaction at an earlier stage — on the Japanese and German model .
5 These two men , and many between , have had to make the same type of decisions about the positions of their steel works .
6 This process can be shown by normal carbon dioxide being passed through a tube containing algae in water with the heavier O isotope and carbon dioxide with the heavier O isotope being passed through another tube containing the same type of algae in normal water .
7 Now that would do , that would do whether the , whether the knuckles were hurt or it was just a minor cut in the palm of the hand there , that would do and you can use the same type of bandage on the foot alright , so that 's if the hand was damaged , now supposing we did n't have the hand damaged , but we had instead a cut up here , okay , again clean it and if you clean it with lots of water always remember to dry off around the wound because bugs love a moist skin to grow in , dry the wound before you apply the dressing okay if you can , dry it off the best you can and then you 're going to place that over the cut , remember you want the pad to be long enough , big enough , okay , now she can hold this for you again , she can hold it above where the wound is and now when you bandage this one you always bandage from the narrow part to the fat part of the limb , you always bandage from the narrow to the fat , so you take the bandage down
8 This involved designing a questionnaire and applying it to quantitative observations of a sample of companies in the same type of industry in each country .
9 Notice also that there is an alternative and syntactically simpler way of expressing the second version , which is : ( 12 ) Haberup angered his golem We can see exactly the same type of ambiguity in : ( 13 ) Reg ran the engine dry The adverbal adjective version of ( 13 ) corresponding to the question what did Reg do to the engine ? tells us that Reg reduced the engine to a certain unsatisfactory state ( though he may at least have had the sense to stop at that point ) .
10 To resolve that paradox , it is argued here , requires the same type of analysis of the components of a place as illustrated in the previous chapter .
11 It also prevents one from churning out the same stuff of conversation over a long period to different people ( to use words at people ) which is using those people as hard reflective surfaces and not , as I feel properly , soft digestive reflective surfaces .
12 A proportionate tax distributes these burdens as a ratio of income : each taxpayer contributes the same proportion of income in tax .
13 For example , in the mid-1980s it represented almost two-thirds of unionized traincrew staff , and the same proportion of staff in the workshops and on the permanent way .
14 The bottom boundary , the ‘ floor ’ , is easy to understand : if , for example , class has no effect on school type , then all classes will have approximately the same proportion of children at selective schools , and the lowest possible magnitude of d will be zero .
15 Tordjman expects software products to grow faster this year than engineering and systems integration , but he would like to maintain the same division of revenue for the next few years .
16 The reception staff therefore take a calculated risk that there will be a percentage of ‘ no shows ’ and overbook the same percentage of rooms in an effort to maintain full occupancy of the rooms .
17 Most attention is usually given to correlations of the same component of velocity at points separated in a direction either parallel to that velocity component ( Fig. 19.4(b) ) or perpendicular to it ( Fig. 19.4(c) ) .
18 However , Rumessen et al did not observe significant changes with regard to the area under breath H 2 excretion curves , compared for the same dose of lactulose despite significant changes in MCTT induced by metoclopramide .
19 Having regaled the population of Frome with ‘ Hamlet ’ , ‘ Romeo and Juliet ’ , ‘ School for Scandal ’ and a few other evergreens , they were soon off to take the same dose of culture to Shepton Mallet and Wells .
20 Mice receiving lower mediastinal irradiation ( L ) were given the same dose of radiation to the same sized but adjacent field ( T5-T10 ) .
21 On this basis the Council issued a statement the following year on Procedure for Validation of Courses of Study , the kernel of which was the CNAA 's wish to respond differently to institutions which themselves differed widely in range of work and in experience : ‘ an application from a college where the staff for the proposed course is of known academic quality and experience may not require the same scrutiny of detail by the Council as in other cases ’ .
22 We are presently undertaking further studies using the same panel of antibodies in an attempt to localise each of the precursor peptides in sections from both normal mucosa and tumours .
23 Although new galleries , squats and collectives are opening up spaces , there is n't the same sense of dialogue between artists here as in New York .
24 I have felt troubled because I am lacking in regard to ‘ The Romans ’ prosecution the same sense of identification with Jesus that I felt in the blasphemy case .
25 Anybody who swears allegiance to United must share the same sense of dismay at what has happened , and what is still going on — for me , it 's almost a sense of revulsion .
26 He brought the same sense of duty to his various roles in retirement , as a lay canon , chapter clerk and Comptroller of Rochester Cathedral .
27 That is an opted out school as against the standard state school , which is subject to the overall policies of the Local Education Authority , and indeed it is funded by the Local Education Authority through a formula , and the amount of money that is put into that formula will obviously affect the amount of money the school has to spend , so it 's providing the same range of education within the National Curriculum , but it is not beholden to the Local Authority — that 's the basic difference .
28 Whichever model is used , case management offers the same range of tasks to individuals .
29 So , if we had the same range of materials on video as we do on audio , would we continue to use audio in language teaching ?
30 Triangles represent progressively increasing amounts of extract in the lanes covered by the triangle , the amounts of control extract corresponding to the same range of amounts of the VT2 extract used .
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