Example sentences of "[art] last [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Prague was the last stadium where I wore conventional running shorts .
2 I considered simply passing it forward , but some idiot would probably open it and read it out to the whole class , or else it would get intercepted by Mrs Burton who was the last person that I wanted to read it .
3 We did all right until we got to the last bit and I got my foot caught in Otley 's pocket when he tried to bend down , he fell and flung me over his head knocking my wig skew-whiff .
4 I can change my mind at the last minute if I think the thing is n't watertight . ’
5 I would n't get dressed until the last minute because I thought I would be late and therefore would not have to go to school .
6 On the last occasion that I spoke to Lady More , our President , she gave me permission to reprint this extract from the book .
7 Anyway , tomorrow is the last day and I do n't care
8 Sir , this is the last day as I understand it of the greenbelt enquiry .
9 I have seen frequently over the last year and I have been very grateful for her friendship , not to mention the clothes she has lent me which her daughter has outgrown .
10 I 'd been so preoccupied with the physical results of my condition for the last hour that I 'd forgotten its other effects .
11 ‘ I was in the lead at Carrowdore Village on the last lap and I thought that Joey could n't possibly catch me .
12 That came with the last lot that I got .
13 but she said , well the last lot that I 've got
14 I do n't think it solves anything — it 's only twenty-one years since the last lot and I saw enough in Spain to make me hate it .
15 The last notice as I leave the station reads : ‘ Warning : Automatic Trains Operating , Live Current Rails .
16 Playing tunes that bring a smile to my face and a sentimental tear to my eye , for the last time that I heard them was the day of the first Gittel 's wedding .
17 The last time that I heard that argument so brazenly presented was by Mr. Neville Chamberlain 's spokesman before the war .
18 Bessie kissed me for the last time as I held tightly to her .
19 I was annoyed when came back the last time and I thought oh my goodness I hope I have n't given that woman any annoyance .
20 And it 's funny because the last car that I saw the fellow 's from I saw the fellow 's who did it .
21 for the ne , in time for the next meeting , erm there was , what 's full name for er not sending in a return or couple of returns erm at the last meeting and I 've dealt with that and sent them off , have they sent you anything else ?
22 Okay this er this lecture is called multiple government and the federal system and it flows directly from the last lecture when I started talking about the er the constitution and about the principles and the values that erm form the American system .
23 it 's only the last week before I went back
24 Well I went to the last week and I did say that I 'd like to go to that one , I 'll go to as many as I can
25 to Coronation Street do not know all the facts of course , we are ignorant of the finer points of the time gone by , but why is Deirdre so lasted to Ken I 've yet to catch up with Wednesday night 's proceedings on my video contraption , but the last thing that I heard Deirdre say to Ken as he was recovering on a put-u-up in her front room was , I 'm stuck with you till you back on your feet and as far as I 'm concerned it ca n't come soon enough for me , Ken lay there immobile , stunned , a cruel carry on , what 's the poor chap done , but then I 've missed too much
26 The last thing that I want to do is stray out of order .
27 Plus , my friends would only end up nagging me about my weight and that was the last thing that I wanted . ’
28 It certainly was the last point that I understood ; I remember lying awake thinking about it , seeing that I could move any four edges into the working locations and realising that this completed the general method for restoring the cube to its original state .
29 I enjoyed Amanda Archibald 's articles in the last newsletter and I agree with her that the British government and people ( especially the arts and media ) have failed to build pride and patriotism in young people .
30 I came up to London last night by the last train because I had to face a Monday morning of solid Cabinet Committees .
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