Example sentences of "[art] way that [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 the ways that they do it sort of thing .
2 Cereal farmers are using less nitrogen fertiliser and have changed the way that they apply it in direct response to concern over nitrogen pollution , according to a report form the Home Grown Cereals Authority .
3 The words which different societies use for any object also indicate the way that they see it .
4 He had hoped that the project would foster greater continuity between children 's experience of learning in primary school , and their experience in the comprehensive : I want to get away from [ a didactic approach ] , to the pupils taking more responsibility for work they produce and being more autonomous in the way that they do it and hoping to create more responsibility in them rather than them seeking the teacher all the time for information ; and thinking that all knowledge and information and values have to be teacher judged …
5 Erm , with his hand across on his heart , because that 's that 's the the way that they do it .
6 ACET works with partners , family , friends and other voluntary and statutory organisations to ensure that people get all the care they need in the way that they need it .
7 But er interestingly , the Americans have just put er more tax on to their gas for , for different reasons admittedly , and er the environmentalists er always feel happy about that because they 've been the ones who 've been telling us for years that er petrol is if anything underpriced , and that we 're rather profligate in the way that we use it , so er at least some people are happy out of this , not everybody , but it , but er it 's making some people happier .
8 And we thought it was the way that we tret it !
9 Erm the way that we see it is that I would appraise Kevin , Bill and Cath , initially and that , oh this is just York 's is n't it ?
10 Erm er and it 's the way that we do it that 's made it made it very comfortable to go into something , like most of the people that come to see us and work with us , they 've never sold never been involved in advertising let alone sold it because erm
11 Suppose that the increase in the money supply is announced in time to be included in that agents fully believe the central bank , and that the central bank behaves in period t in the way that it announced it would behave at the end of t - 1 .
12 Do you see ah , th the pe , the boys and girls or the , the young people that you 're working with erm , having the same veering towards the same kind of thing , I mean , do you see pressures on on girls , towards achieving that perfect body in the way that you felt it yourself at one time .
13 You know that I do not necessarily go along with your concept of visual character in the way that you use it , but would the visual character be altered in a way that would cause a coincidence of greenbelt function were that important hedge not in existence on the north side of D thirty nine ?
14 I 'm actually , I 'm quite high on as theorist as well and I like to write everything out in full and I clear structures and if I go to training sessions and they 're all over the place , it 's such a in about five minutes and I have to say hang on a minute it might not be structured in the way that you like it but you can actually learn from it .
15 The point I want to get across here is that this a P Way form , it is your form , not my form , not the Q A form , it 's the P Way form for you to use and to change to the way that you want it to change .
16 Oh Richard I love having you round here , when you come in like a light in the dark how I enjoy your painting , your polite conversations , the way that you move it 's all so
17 that 's the way that I saw it .
18 Erm , but in fact , the way that I use it er , would not be the way that Andy uses it , the way that Andy uses it would not be the way that Martin uses it , it does not necessarily mean that any of us are wrong .
19 I says er , I want to take charge , and I 'll do it the way that I think it should be done .
20 Erm , I know that the way that I do it every time
21 such a way that it makes it ever more difficult .
22 I , I just put it on his dinner , cos there 's no way that I squirt it in his mouth , I 'd probably choke him .
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