Example sentences of "[art] way [conj] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We know the ways and means to spend our life comfortably with the help of intellect .
2 The enormity of ‘ one roof ’ had taken her by surprise , and it was perhaps the way that had stiffened her which made her now feel so free , so beyond obligation .
3 Whitlock shoved Karen out of the way and had to fling himself on to the bonnet of a BMW as the Mercedes flashed past , missing him by inches .
4 So far as education is concerned , it is known that the government has been concerned for some time about an alleged willingness on the part of some teachers to bring the question of homosexuality out into the open in a way that seeks to normalise it as a form of human relationship .
5 Fran swallowed hard , feeling the hard outline of his body pressing against the soft curve of her breast in a way that seemed to steal her breath .
6 If you are sincerely dieting in a way that has led you to lose weight in the past , just stick with the same regime for a further week or two .
7 2 Most socialists have become increasingly critical of the monopolistic and authoritarian role of Communist parties in one-party systems in a way that has made them cast doubt on the desirability of insurrection .
8 However , the fires of the Rising and exposure to the weather in the years immediately after contributed to the decay of the stonework of the facade in a way that has made it hazardous in recent years .
9 Britain is seen as having surrendered power to the Common Market in a way that has limited our freedom of manoeuvre and turned us into a colony of an embryonic West European federal state .
10 The Bill addresses other concerns in a way that serves to underline our firm commitment to all kinds of further education for adults .
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