Example sentences of "[art] good [noun sg] of [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 More conventional thinkers in the Labour leadership saw discretion as the better part of valour and held their fire .
2 But today , realizing the problems she might have in controlling her mount let alone in staying on should it prop at a hedge or peck on landing , she decided discretion was the better part of valour and shortening her left rein swung Hullabaloo away in the other direction to take what was known as the Funks ' Run , which ran round a long ridge of elms , across the brook at its narrowest point , and then over a good two miles of open ground , with only one reasonable sized open ditch and hedge to be jumped at the bottom of the dip before a long run uphill which led back to the last of the Vale hedges .
3 The report called for the better organization of training and education between employers , trade unions and individuals .
4 Plans for the better distribution of population and employment were still needed , but one academic observer reported in 1957 : After 13 years the Conservatives lost office ; in the general election of October 1964 Harold Wilson won power with a slender majority of four over the other parties .
5 May he bestow the riches of his peace upon us , bring us the good news of salvation and always fill us with love for all peoples .
6 The signatories of the Charter have accepted responsibility for maintaining the good code of practice and also agree to disseminate the document through their organisations , encouraging their managers to actively participate .
7 The next four instruments depend for their efficacy upon incorporation into contracts , though a codification of custom and usage could perhaps be relied on as the best evidence of custom and usage and as such be imported by implication into a contract , whilst the adoption of general contractual conditions is not the exclusive prerogative of private parties but can also be achieved by embodiment in bilateral or multilateral Conventions implemented by dispositive legislation in the various participating States .
8 could not have been happier , both personally and in creating an atmosphere conducive to his work … the domestic ideal that is evident in his writings ( the family being his favourite subject of study and lecturing ) was most clearly represented by his own home life … his wife created for him the respectable and quiet familial existence which he considered the best guarantee of morality and of life .
9 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck speaking in New Delhi on his arrival in India on Sept. 9 for a four-day official visit , said that he did not consider a monarchy to be the best system of government and that he had been working towards the greater democratization of his country .
10 Although Her Majesty 's Railway Inspectorate has expressed concern over driver 's behaviour at automatic barriers , it believes they offer the best blend of safety and cost efficiency .
11 Attack turned out to be the best form of defence and as long as we pushed and shoved as much as the opposition , everyone was happy .
12 a ) Help with clearing land mines ; b ) Targeting rural poverty ; c ) Helping the Cambodian government to make the best use of aid and d ) The UK should use its influence in the United Nations to ensure the fullest support for the move to peace and democracy in Cambodia , and specifically should call for the establishment of a Human Rights Rapporteur for Cambodia reporting directly to the United Nations Security Council .
13 Hugh Manson has tried for the best combination of feel and usability by planing the fingerboard to a compound radius — a medium-curved 10″ radius near the headstock , but flattening right out to 16″ as it reaches the upper frets , in order to minimise the strings choking off when you play bent notes and to allow a lower overall action .
14 In many cases such housing provides the best combination of privacy and adequate care .
15 A search for discrepancies was agreed to be the best avenue of research and one of the more convincing arguments put forward for the work not to be genuine was that the Kouros combines stylistic elements that run from early to late sixth century BC .
16 By seeking partners to develop a project , the sponsor can not only spread the risk of failure ( and also the rewards of success ) but also achieve the best balance of expertise and contribution .
17 Extremely soft water may not contain sufficient calcium to maintain growth of the skeleton while excessively hard water is thought not to favour the best quality of coloration and finnage .
18 It requires an analytical and reasonably numerate mind to develop cost-effective plans ; it requires a rapport with the creative group to achieve the best match of material and medium ; it requires aggressive negotiating skills in order to achieve the best possible positions and discounts , so as to make the maximum use of the client 's money ; and it requires a great attention to detail .
19 The Geneva meeting used a clinical approach to health policy development which focuses on individual patients and their available treatment options , whereas the Copenhagen meeting used a public health approach which strives for the best mix of curative and preventive health services , given the existing resources , to maximise the health status of a population .
20 The move to 3.9 litres means more power , a better spread of torque and a more sympathetic match for the ZF four-speed automatic transmission .
21 I came to the project from a background in and around off-site education , convinced that while removing a disaffected minority from the mainstream might give those pupils a better chance of survival and their teachers relief from extreme disruption , it did nothing to change the factors which produced that disaffection .
22 Meanwhile , the recipient of this altruism stands a better chance of survival and , more importantly , its genes stand improved possibilities for replication and expansion .
23 Diminished responsibility could also be accommodated , although a general defence of mental disorder remains a better way of labelling and dealing with cases of clinical mental disorder .
24 We should take a radical approach to the position of elderly people beyond the year 2000 , and consider whether technology can allow them to enjoy a better standard of living and to rely less on residential and nursing homes .
25 It bottles only 4% of its production under the Cellaro label , paying growers a bonus for healthier grapes with a better balance of sugar and acidity .
26 As sea level rises these will develop and grow upwards , but those on the margins of the bank will be more favoured than those in the area which becomes the lagoon , as they will receive a better supply of food and better oxygenated water than the colonies within the lagoon .
27 For example , he may want to see whether the chief constable has been making use of civilian resources as well as he should , and he might be saying to the inspectorate of constabulary , ’ If you can demonstrate a better use of money and resources through civilianisation , that might have a bearing on the availability of uniformed police officers . ’
28 I do n't want to be like a film star , but I do want a better quality of life and I 've got that with H R T !
29 The ratio of brain weight to spinal cord weight is considered a better measurement of complexity and intelligence .
30 It also remains unclear to what extent disabled people working in the health and caring professions have a better understanding of illness and disability than their able-bodied colleagues , although it can be argued that this should not be a central Issue as disabled people should not be expected to perform better than other people in order to be acceptable .
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