Example sentences of "[art] good [noun] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their motives tend , I suspect , to be a mixture of concern for their own and their families ' future , concern for countries and people who are less well-off than they are and a sympathetic response based on a wish for the better treatment of the animal world .
2 The practice of eating dead enemies probably arose from the idea that you could absorb the better qualities of the person who had died through eating their flesh .
3 ‘ But we do n't have many holiday houses lying empty for the better part of the year , ’ said one local , proudly .
4 Which was how the Khan of the Merkuts — along with his escort , his retinue , and the principal members of his family — came to be crossing a bridge which was erected at the height of the second floor across several of the principal buildings in the better part of the merchants ' quarter of Kinsai .
5 I had lain awake the better part of the night .
6 It seems the French got the better part of the deal when the Eurodisney share price was announced in the City yesterday with all the overkill we have come to expect from the Americans .
7 Certainly such people existed , but the man who allowed his mind and soul to be ruled by their existence had already handed them the better part of the argument .
8 After spending the better part of the morning crouched down painting skirting-boards , she felt as though she 'd been put through a mangle .
9 If the purpose of the annexation be for the better enjoyment of the object itself , it may remain a chattel , notwithstanding a high degree of physical annexation .
10 Wherever possible , the project and surveys undertaken in training should be drawn directly from the working life of the participant and selected because they will contribute to the better management of the school .
11 Most writers of the blueprint books of that time certainly did present the would-be solvers of their puzzles with little more than cut-out figures labelled " Millionaire " , " Unfaithful Wife , " " Devoted Secretary " , although of course the better writers of the time were far from such crudities .
12 Dooling and Lachman argue that the better performance of the subjects who were told the title of the passage reflects their greater ability to organise the words in the passage in memory .
13 Having said that their newly-released album Going Blank Again is likely to be one of the better buys of the year and tonight 's showing should not have put anyone off .
14 And it would allow them to be in tune with higher forces , and er the better principles of the world .
15 A resource which , in the better meaning of the word should exploited .
16 IF IT were n't for the presence of two eclipses , December would be one of the better months of the year .
17 The better control of the reactors includes the ability to deal with volatile organic compounds more easily , in that collection of off-gases is not a problem .
18 Alfonso was rumoured to have said , ‘ If I had been present at the Creation , I would have given some useful hints for the better arrangement of the Universe . ’
19 The main aim was to win new audiences and so there was always room for experiment , especially at the better end of the market .
20 One can look around the world but even though there are somewhat similar leathers produced in South America and Africa , they 're not really quite suitable for the better end of the Walsall trade .
21 Kelly made some superb runs , and was one of the better crossers of the ball .
22 The more samples taken , the smoother and less stepped the representation will be and the better quality of the sound .
23 Reality , in York as elsewhere , means precious little public protection for our pubs and heavy reliance on the better nature of the brewers credit — brewers such as Samuel Smith 's , for for their loving and appropriately ‘ benign neglect ’ of a low-barrelage , unpretentious gem like The Wellington Inn in Alma Terrace , York .
24 To the left of the screen are the major frame tools , one of the better endowments of the Legacy engine which is still used in V1.5 .
25 The Working Party on Internal Migration in Britain , which was set up by the Institute of British Geographers in l988 , aims at the better understanding of the patterns , causes and implications of migration in Britain .
26 The present campanile is one of the better features of the building .
27 I have no doubt that , by providing instant access to comprehensive records of offenders , the national criminal records system will become an indispensable aid to the better functioning of the whole of the criminal justice system .
28 ( ACA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Iver , on or about 16 August 1991 , drafted a letter to be signed ‘ ( ACA ) ’ and permitted its use in circumstances which were not consistent with the good reputation of the profession of accountancy was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
29 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Waltham Cross on or about 28 May 1991 drafted a letter of resignation as auditor of a limited company on behalf of his firm in terms not consistent with the good reputation of the profession of accountancy was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
30 ‘ Now that SOCO 's had his pound of flesh , do you think the good lady of the house is up to making a check ?
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