Example sentences of "[art] good [noun] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His objectives were to give a guide to the better choice of an animal ; to establish the true conformation of the racehorse , setting a standard for an ideal animal to achieve maximum speed , and at any given time to discover whether the breeds had improved or degenerated .
2 Their motives tend , I suspect , to be a mixture of concern for their own and their families ' future , concern for countries and people who are less well-off than they are and a sympathetic response based on a wish for the better treatment of the animal world .
3 The practice of eating dead enemies probably arose from the idea that you could absorb the better qualities of the person who had died through eating their flesh .
4 Skinhead haircuts & Crombies missed each other by the better part of a year & ‘ crombie boys ’ as they became known , often had shoulder length hair .
5 Herrmann , a Wharton MBA who has been with Solbourne for the better part of a year , has a components background , having previously run Amphenol in Hong Kong .
6 The downward spiral in their relationship was observed by the poet Alan Ross , who lodged in the boiler room at 37 Hamilton Terrace for the better part of a year .
7 We are struggling tonight to achieve the first tentative step in Britain 's planning , not for two or three years hence , but for the better part of a decade hence , and to achieve at King 's Cross the equivalent of what has been under construction for several years at Lille .
8 From the fading elegance of tree-lined Wood Lane to the Wharf car park is no more than 500 yards for a purposeful crow , but for a motorist on the one-way system it is the better part of a mile .
9 It was only a short distance off the Pan-Americana , all grey mud dust , the outer walls towering so thick , so solid , that , after the better part of a millennium , they were still standing eight or nine metres high , only the ramparts showing the erosion of time .
10 ‘ But we do n't have many holiday houses lying empty for the better part of the year , ’ said one local , proudly .
11 Which was how the Khan of the Merkuts — along with his escort , his retinue , and the principal members of his family — came to be crossing a bridge which was erected at the height of the second floor across several of the principal buildings in the better part of the merchants ' quarter of Kinsai .
12 I had lain awake the better part of the night .
13 It seems the French got the better part of the deal when the Eurodisney share price was announced in the City yesterday with all the overkill we have come to expect from the Americans .
14 Certainly such people existed , but the man who allowed his mind and soul to be ruled by their existence had already handed them the better part of the argument .
15 After spending the better part of the morning crouched down painting skirting-boards , she felt as though she 'd been put through a mangle .
16 Another child makes the family wretched with his crying for the better part of an hour .
17 The journey took him the better part of an hour , due to delays on the Tube , but now , as he walked from the station , he felt a curious mixture of elation and anxiety .
18 For though I doubt if he 's ready to own to it yet , I know of another who can and will testify that the two of them were together until the bell sounded for Compline , which would be the better part of an hour later than you have in mind , and a quarter of an hour 's walk from the place , into the bargain .
19 ‘ It took the better part of an hour to get to brass tacks , but we managed it in the end , sir . ’
20 If the purpose of the annexation be for the better enjoyment of the object itself , it may remain a chattel , notwithstanding a high degree of physical annexation .
21 Wherever possible , the project and surveys undertaken in training should be drawn directly from the working life of the participant and selected because they will contribute to the better management of the school .
22 Most writers of the blueprint books of that time certainly did present the would-be solvers of their puzzles with little more than cut-out figures labelled " Millionaire " , " Unfaithful Wife , " " Devoted Secretary " , although of course the better writers of the time were far from such crudities .
23 Dooling and Lachman argue that the better performance of the subjects who were told the title of the passage reflects their greater ability to organise the words in the passage in memory .
24 Having said that their newly-released album Going Blank Again is likely to be one of the better buys of the year and tonight 's showing should not have put anyone off .
25 And it would allow them to be in tune with higher forces , and er the better principles of the world .
26 A resource which , in the better meaning of the word should exploited .
27 IF IT were n't for the presence of two eclipses , December would be one of the better months of the year .
28 The better control of the reactors includes the ability to deal with volatile organic compounds more easily , in that collection of off-gases is not a problem .
29 Alfonso was rumoured to have said , ‘ If I had been present at the Creation , I would have given some useful hints for the better arrangement of the Universe . ’
30 The main aim was to win new audiences and so there was always room for experiment , especially at the better end of the market .
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