Example sentences of "[prep] me [coord] i [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I have felt embarrassed because I 've had to meet people afterwards who I who I who I care what they think about me and I 've put in the biggest load of old rubbish .
2 In fact , things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl , Jane Wilde .
3 They had done so the first time they got water for me and I had assumed they would continue .
4 Fortunately , as it turned out , shyness got the better of me and I stayed put .
5 Doing about sixty , seventy , normal speed , in hurry to get somewhere and er I I just sat there and erm all of a sudden I I thought I was miles past this other car and I started going in , just to let him go past , obviously and he 's I I did n't realise this other car was keeping up with me and I 've gone towards it and I thought sh I 'd looked in my mirror shit it 's still there !
6 But she 's been approached by the gutter press to sell her story of her life with me and I 've had to intercept certain envelopes that have been sent in .
7 And my mum , my mum was sat in The Weathers with me and I 'd talked to her and everything and I did n't even know that that
8 Tommy Gilmour , Clinton 's manager , said last night : ‘ Pat had tried to go through the pain barrier and keep his injury from me but I have taken the decision to withdraw him after consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon . ’
9 ‘ To the well-deserving Gaius Seius I leave and wish to be granted in addition that neither from him nor from his heirs should be claimed whatever he owes me on the basis of documents or accounts or has borrowed from me or I have guaranteed for him . ’
10 Yet I knew there was something familiar about them , as if these ideas from far off generations had revived in me and I had come in contact with ancestral faces .
11 She said it 's a big , big cut off , if your phone rings you 're out , so of course the phone were ringing , then it went to one in post , no it never , it went first from Ann from Lynnette then to Ann and then it went to Kathy and then it went to erm somebody else and then it come to me but I 've got seven hundred thousand pounds worth of money on my desk that I were banking and Jane had got that job and Jane was on post in cash cos she ai n't got a job cos that thing with them shoes did n't take off and do you know
12 This prospect is pleasing to me but I have seen Mr Landor and confess myself alarmed .
13 The Land Rover does n't belong to me and I 've got to make sure that those who 've given money to the trust do n't have it wasted . ’
14 And this is a question that always occurs to me and I 've read this novel several times , at the end of it why did she write it ?
15 But I got twe so that Mark blamed it on me but I 'd sussed it , as soon as starts tramping
16 And he 's he 's turned over this and just gon na slap one on me and I 've turned my head and gone like that and he 's fucking caught me right on the fucking lips !
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