Example sentences of "[prep] him [conj] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There had been profiles of him that suggested that he was a jogger who had been bitten by one of Alex ‘ Down Sir ’ Snell 's pit-bulls .
2 ‘ He is n't our dog , but he lives next door to us , ’ she explained , ‘ so I suppose I 'd better take charge of him and see that he does n't do any more mischief . ’
3 I tried to turn in behind him but found that I was going to overshoot and pulled away to starboard .
4 He went across to it , still thinking that it was n't too late to back out and close the door behind him and pretend that he 'd never even been in here .
5 Leith sank down into a chair the moment the outer door had closed behind him and discovered that she was trembling .
6 I really wanted to identify with him and wished that I could have said that I had been in the Falklands or in Northern Ireland , thereby establishing some sort of link .
7 Worse , she preferred the pain of being with him and knowing that he did n't return her feelings to the pain of not being with him at all .
8 She remonstrated with him and explained that she had stopped because she had never seen such a fish before .
9 Let's go and have a chat with him and see if we can put his mind at rest . ’
10 This introduction to Piggy makes you immediately either sympathise with him or think that he was a pathetic little boy .
11 She went to cringe back from him but stilled as he started to unbutton his shirt .
12 When its flapping had started to irritate me , I snatched it from him and saw that it was ruled like a timetable .
13 Since then he had often recalled what Adam said next , had taken the gun from him and remarked that it was a pump-action shot-gun .
14 He was silent , but she could sense anger burning slowly inside him and wondered if it was directed at her .
15 The other children were clean and decently fed , but this one had a smell of the gutters about him and looked like he could do with some good food to fatten him up .
16 His mother had returned home without him and stated that she had never felt he was really her baby .
17 Moran had written to him and assumed that he would come .
18 He says I 'd better go and check the money so he said erm but what he could n't understand was they wrote to him and said that they have n't paid the cheques but they did n't say anything about freezing his account !
19 He hugged her to him and insisted that she had a drink on the house .
20 She nodded , handed it to him and watched as he put her key into one of the locks and the duplicate he carried into the other , turning both simultaneously .
21 ‘ I 'll write to him and see if he agrees with what you say .
22 Afterwards , she ventured to go up to him and say that she was my sister : to which he replied kindly — ; ‘ I can see that you are ’ .
23 As the Scot pushed his way past me I grabbed him , put an arm-lock on him and suggested that he had a drink elsewhere .
24 But , as she looked at him and witnessed that he was white with temper , so ‘ furious ’ seemed to be too mild a word .
25 ‘ A chef as well , ’ she said sweetly , looking up at him and thinking that he must be awfully tall because she was five-ten , and he towered above her .
26 She turned to stare at him and saw that he was smiling — a twisted smile that made her colour rise quickly .
27 Preston looked at him and wondered if they were the same nightmares he had .
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