Example sentences of "[prep] what they [verb] see [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The mystery remains and perhaps will never be solved , but one thing is for sure , those two signalmen were absolutely certain of what they had seen and were unshakeable in their beliefs .
2 Over the past few weeks , Apple has been courting the press with sneak previews of Lisa on the condition that the participants undertook not to breath a word of what they had seen until the machine was officially announced on 20 January ( simultaneously around the world ) .
3 If someone goes away with good memories of what they have seen and heard then they will come back and bring their family and friends . ’
4 With what they have seen and still see ,
5 When they got back , they wrote about what they 'd seen and drew pictures of their ideal playground .
6 Each and every employee should look at what they do to see if it is possible to do it better and more consistently .
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