Example sentences of "[prep] what [modal v] [be] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 O'Keeffe 's 1923 show was the first of what could be annual exhibitions of her work in that decade staged by Alfred Steiglitz , her husband to be .
2 Grease and fat and plenty of it is the only way to beat the cold of what could be 26 miles of chilling and choppy sea water .
3 It 's the extreme corner of what must be one hell of a huge hypocaust . ’
4 This contains the experience and depth of the insider 's knowledge , which Holdaway ( 1979 ) recognizes is unlikely to become readily available , simply because ‘ there is a lack of impetus within contemporary sociology to spend lengthy periods of observation in what may be uncomfortable research situations [ with the police ] ’ .
5 We assume each member is individually and severally liable in what may be exceptional circumstances .
6 First signs of the thaw date from 1850 , but the process accelerated during the 1920s , 1960s and 1980s in what could be another manifestation of the greenhouse effect .
7 Erm in effect what you 're s what you 're asking for is the level of provision to return to something equivalent to what it is in the approved structure plan er and also would reflect fairly careful analysis of what you 've done as to what would be reasonable allocations .
8 The return of a Tory Government with a workable majority of 21 has denied the Ulster Unionists the balance of power and the chance to drive a hard bargain with a minority administration , and they will now buckle down to what will be tough negotiations over the next few months .
9 I think from a financial point of view , what is er , of interest , and the economical use of these places as opposed to er , residential care , particularly specialist residential care , where p where we 're able to provide er , at a cost of eleven , about eleven thousand two hundred and fifty pounds per child , as opposed to what can be considerable expenditure on er , on specialist out-county places .
10 An integrated pool of shared first party information would overcome the data protection problems and eliminated reliance on what might be spurious data from third parties .
11 Was was there any sort of attempt to er acquisition of expensive equipment now , was there any attempt made to gain the er the knowledge of the workforce on what would be suitable machinery to buy ?
12 I 'm sorry that the Canadian/U.S.A. contingent were not in the print … takes the edge off what should be happy occasions
13 With Lough in the ‘ 1,500 ’ , Davy Wilson switches to the 5,000 metres where he will team up with Jim Campbell for what should be another case of Annadale domination .
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