Example sentences of "[prep] an [noun sg] in [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These distinguished prints are divided into eight parts , ranging through The Poor in Paris , Manet and Spain , Paris Spectacle , Olympia , Portraits , War and Commune ( referring to the FrancoPrussian war of 1871–2 ) , Japonisme ( the theme of an exhibition in Sunderland a year or two ago ) and La Parisienne .
2 Parsley was used for the liver problem and to help clear the system of toxins ( causing the yellow colour and a fading of the normal colour ) , mint to encourage appetite , fennel to clear any toxins in the digestive tract , elderflower to calm the fish down and garlic as an antibiotic in case the fish suffered a secondary infection due to its weakened state .
3 Furthermore the probability that any animal in A is selected must be 180÷300 × 20÷180 = 1÷15 ; for an animal in B the probability is 90÷300 × 20÷90 = 1÷15 ; and likewise , for C , the probability is 30÷300 × 20÷30 = 1÷15 .
4 He talked about the bad publicity for the Russians flowing from an incident in London a few years before , when the Bulgarian secret service murdered a political exile in London .
5 Due to an upsurge in vocations the Holy Ghost Fathers have now established a new province for Kenya , Tanzania and Uganda .
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