Example sentences of "[prep] which they [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now the American authorities have said Teresa can have custody until February next year after which they have to be returned to her husband .
2 This was the activity with which they came to be most closely identified in the first fifty years of their existence .
3 She may shock , or upset ; but to women she represents a power with which they want to be in touch , as their birthright , one that operates naturally in the medium of night , when all the duties of day are left behind .
4 Second , services were grouped together with respect to the scale upon which they needed to be provided .
5 While a great deal depends upon reform efforts outside the prison system ( and indeed these efforts are often located outside the criminal justice process ) , prison personnel do not have to play the passive roles in which they tend to be cast .
6 And , further , ‘ the circumstances in which they came to be made were never reported by journalists . ’
7 Values and principles did not change , he said , but the times in which they had to be applied did change .
8 Bearing in mind that Labour Members have made many promises without costing them , will my hon. Friend tell us whether they have made promises about the environment in which they claim to be interested ?
9 The police referred daily to the current price of gold announced by Johnson Matthey and pitched the prices they offered appropriately to the form of dealing in which they purported to be engaged .
10 To understand the myth of the golden age in the past , we therefore need to understand family relationships and family responsibilities in the present and the circumstances in which they have to be worked out : the topic with which the rest of this book is concerned .
11 And in so far as it , as the question arises erm of what kind of , of provisions erm are you going to find if you go abroad , erm then I think we can say that within the European Community , erm citizens of one member state are entitled to what the citizens of the member state in which they happen to be staying are entitled to .
12 I think that they are erm unfortunately erm affected by any event which happens in an area in which they happen to be .
13 The year 1890 was that of the Baring crisis , when the partners of Barings , largely through mismanagement of a major transaction in Argentina , found themselves in difficulties from which they had to be rescued by a group of City banks and financial houses organized by the Bank of England .
14 For Whitehouse , Neville 's avowed ‘ revolutionary ’ stance was aimed particularly at the young and innocent and was a form of ‘ ideological warfare ’ from which they needed to be protected .
15 It focuses on corporate approaches to managing such staff , e.g. recruitment , selection , appraisal , development , motivation , salary structures , discipline , dismissal and on the characteristics of unions which are recruiting managers , on the extent that managerial unionists experience conflicts of interests between their employer and the union , on the extent to which they tend to be ‘ moderate ’ or ‘ militant ’ and on how managers ' unions relate to other unions .
16 It is a cause of women 's relatively low pay and limits women 's chances by the narrow range of occupations to which they tend to be confined .
17 These two points raise the issue of the extent to which pragmatic interpretation and discourse structure are culture specific , and the extent to which they need to be or can be taught .
18 All of these texts can be read equally well as examples of the récit lacunaire paradigm in poststructuralist criticism , such is the extent to which they seem to be generated by a gap or an absence .
19 Councillors vary tremendously in the extent to which they expect to be involved in day-to-day matters of administration in the authority .
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