Example sentences of "[prep] which it [is] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Exchange of contracts is the vital moment of agreement , after which it is very difficult to withdraw without stiff financial penalties .
2 The properties of the polymer , and hence the end-uses for which it is most suitable vary , of course , with the type .
3 The tenant may then discover that an unforeseen delay for which it is not responsible results in revocation of the agreement and if clause 5.5.3 remains unamended the tenant will receive no compensation for works carried out prior to such termination .
4 ( 7 ) Acts or omissions of the vendor after completion The exclusions will normally cover liabilities for claims arising due to the failure of the vendor to meet an obligation for which it is primarily liable or which have arisen due to any act or omission of the vendor occuring after completion .
5 No doubt many , probably a majority , of the cases of non-gonococcal urethritis are due to infectious organisms , but there remains a hard core of cases from which no pathogenic germs can be isolated and for which it is just conceivable that antibiotic treatment may not be the best therapy .
6 So the ceilings painted in the house of Cheron , the tapestries and carpets for which it is justly famed — reviewed in articles by Wendy Hefford and Ian Bennett and Frances Michael , are supplemented by pictures acquired for Bloomsbury .
7 It is a classic example of the waste of local taxpayers ' money by a foolish council which would do much better to spend the money on the services for which it is statutorily responsible .
8 If your council fails to do small , urgent repairs , for which it is legally responsible ( eg a blocked drain or broken water heater ) , you can have then done by a builder .
9 There is an optimum point in the 26-way tree , below which it is more economical in memory to represent the remaining parts of the words in a linked list than in the standard tree nodes .
10 There are some phenomena of which it is very difficult to give children direct experience in the classroom .
11 Once posited , to be what the colour-word is the name of , this ‘ feeling ’ or ‘ sensation ’ becomes an element , in our thought about these matters , of which it is almost impossible to rid ourselves .
12 At the same time , in Scotland we are faced with an almost daily barrage of press and television images from English towns and cities — ‘ joy riding ’ , urban rioting , football violence , racist attacks , and so on — against which it is perhaps difficult to keep hold of the reality of our own towns and cities .
13 Indeed , in an essay which may be read as a gloss on aspects of S/Z ( with which it is roughly contemporary ) , ‘ The Death of the author ’ , Barthes writes that it is the reader , and not the author , who constitutes the only focus for the multiple writings and codes of which the text is made up : ‘ The reader is the space on which all the quotations that make up a writing are inscribed without any of them being lost ’ ( 1977b : 148 ) .
14 It is one part only of an attack upon five great evils : upon the physical Want with which it is directly concerned , upon Disease which often causes Want and brings many other troubles in its train , upon Ignorance which no democracy can afford among its citizens , upon the Squalor which arises mainly through haphazard distribution of industry and population , and upon Idleness which destroys wealth and corrupts men , whether they are well-fed or not , when they are idle . ’
15 Summer savory planted in patches is highly ornamental in flower , being covered with small , light purple flowers for many weeks , and accordingly festooned with bees with which it is very popular .
16 The real world of ‘ scientism ’ which could be characterised in terms having nothing to do with our particular ways of responding to it is a myth , with which it is quite inept to confuse the real ‘ real world ’ .
17 The particular question that my hon. Friend raises is for my right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General , but I am grateful to him for reminding me of the precise statistics with which it is always sensible to be armed in any conference on the agreement .
18 U is under the tree , in the shade , under which it is very nice to sit .
19 In truth the work exhibits great variety , not only in the gestures and postures of the different figures , but in the composition of each subject , besides which it is very interesting to see the various costumes of those times and certain imitations and observations of Nature .
20 Indeed there is a sense in which it is positively desirable to act out of self-interest in offering support to a relative , since if the donor also benefits , there is less chance that one party will become over-dependent upon the other .
21 An example of this may be taken from a context in which it is rather familiar : atmospheric motions on the scale that governs the principal features of the weather .
22 What are the contexts in which it is most appropriate to adopt a questioning stance ?
23 In Le Planétarium ( 1959 ) , however , although it is possible to attribute some of the sequences to the consciousnesses of the ‘ characters ’ involved , we are presented with conflicting narratives and interpretations of events emanating from insufficiently individuated figures , Her subsequent novels confirm this development towards a narrative discourse in which it is increasingly difficult to situate a perceiving consciousness .
24 Others believe it to have a strong cultural component ; and point out that there are many cultures in which it is not apparent , sexual interest and behaviour increasing continuously in the pre-adolescent years .
25 The USA has a two-party system in which it is not uncommon for the executive and legislative branches of government to be controlled by different parties .
26 And see whether or not there is basis for an agreement on that because if it is possible to get an agreement on that it is infinitely easier to persuade the government that regulations have to be written which cover all of these issues and cover all of the sectors and that therefore makes it easier to create a situation in which it is not possible for an independent company that wish to ignore the good practice guidelines to simply go ahead and do so .
27 But , as we have seen , there are many situations in which compromise is not possible , and some in which it is not desirable either .
28 Most often one is dealing with a situation for which mathematical difficulties preclude a full theory , but in which it is still useful to refer to the equations of motion in deciding what measurements to make and how to interpret the results .
29 It is an attractive town and one in which it is still pleasant just to wander around its streets and along the banks of the River Wear .
30 Many young people in Gateshead have grown up in families in which it is very rare for someone to have a full-time , decent and well-paid job .
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