Example sentences of "[prep] which [pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Urgent demand for which I totally agree for millions more than the money is available er , as long as all the council says this is our priority of course you can have it .
2 Nevertheless , shared housing in private or college accommodation can be as educative and stimulating as the studies for which you primarily go to college .
3 In 1937 she also did another season of variety , for which she always insisted on having her material specially written .
4 But I would make clear to Mr if he looks at the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , that the suggestion of the director of property services wastes his time fully exploring all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate , for which he probably asks for a large amount of money , since it involves an enormous amount of wasted time , is not been agreed , it 's a non-delegated item , it was a recommendation of this committee which has not been moved at this committee , and it was a most unfortunate and woolly form of words .
5 We wish to suggest that these words may equally be substituted to describe strategic vision , suggesting a dynamic model as follows , each stage of which we then discuss in turn .
6 He refused to compromise in any way and , throughout his long association with the club , only mastered two words in English , both of which he frequently practised on referees .
7 He does not require an imperative to make him avoid the sickness from the thought of which he already shrinks in nausea ; what he has to force himself to do is hold on to the fact that sickness is the likely outcome of yielding to temptation .
8 Another aspect of Tom Gibson 's many-faceted talents was his love of music and poetry , both of which he also practised with an original and humorous flair .
9 He had , however , a natural ability with a penny-whistle , of which he had a great number , one of which he always carried in his pocket .
10 In the Macdonald household at Armadale , he asked questions busily and settled himself to a general spirit of enquiry , the fruits of which he then presents in his Journey .
11 Her independence was further underlined by an impending marriage , news of which she now shared with Taheb .
12 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
13 In fact long before the last five years he was copiously producing more or less fantastical inventions with which he comprehensively worked through a natural flair for parody , irony and offbeat musical humour .
14 There was none of the carelessness with which he usually waited for Twomey to bring him his glass .
15 Voice mellower and more bell-like than other grey geese , with which it usually consorts in Europe .
16 While Milton grappled with two telephones hung from a sort of yoke around his neck and into which he alternately spoke in a staccato mixture of best Variety showbiz-patter , friends , clients and droppers-in gathered to laugh and gossip in his office while Milton imperviously went on with his wheeling and dealing .
17 A second , and more interesting , possibility is that subjects are actually recalling the situations in which they personally felt at risk irrespective of any other features of the junction .
18 He noted that his rats tended to adopt a strategy for sampling the stimuli in the first stage of ( simultaneous ) training in which they consistently looked into one arm of his T-maze , withdrawing and turning to the other arm only if confronted with the negative stimulus .
19 Second , we shall look at the types of interviews and the way in which they commonly feature in social research .
20 Equally , it is impossible to analyse social systems as consisting of norms and values and power relationships without examining the way in which they actually impinge on people .
21 All you have to do to get your hands on the goodies is to study the adverts on this page and pick , from the choice below each ad , the year in which they actually appeared in our Live Ads section .
22 The elderly do not always want to be on the receiving end , and any gift of food they offer us , whether it is a meal or just a pot of home-made jam , should be accepted with appreciation , for all such gifts are a part of the pattern of love in which they still wish to be involved .
23 The point is that we can not circumnavigate or dispose of these problems by resorting to the familiar logical ploy of treating questions about experiences as if they were simply questions about the logical properties of sentences in which we ordinarily talk about experiences .
24 We are inclined to think that the grammar of the linguistic expression is some sort of consequence of the process being of a certain kind ; for example , that ‘ I remember X-ing ’ is true if and only if I X-ed because remembering is a process in which one somehow sees into the past .
25 She may have been led to the variations by the necessarily high-class backgrounds of her Lord Peter 's earlier investigations , but the book in which she definitively arrived at the backgrounder was The Five Red Herrings of 1931 , in which murder takes place in an artists ' colony in Galloway in Scotland .
26 Not the one in which he aimed highest , but the one in which his inspiration is most fully sustained ; the one with the strongest dramatic thrust ; the only one in which you truly care about the fate of the characters .
27 By sublimation I mean here not the conversion of sexuality per se into a higher , non-sexual aim , but the displacement of one kind of sexuality into another — or , more exactly ( and this is the sense in which I still subscribe to Freud 's notion ) , the contamination of a higher ( i.e. socially approved ) sexuality by a lower ( i.e. proscribed ) one .
28 We did a great deal of work with music and in listening to sounds and in rhythms , and then a lot of work in which I actually read to him and he followed all the time what I was reading , so that he would try to link the sounds and the words together .
29 My nine-year-old son recently told me of dreaming of swinging violently in the hammock ( something he frequently does during the summer ) and falling out ( again , a frequent occurrence ) , but instead of landing on the ground he floated , and started a floating dream in which he effortlessly travelled around the garden suspended above the ground .
30 Each Saturday morning Eric would fly to Udine from Rome in one of the Desert Air Force bombers , in which he nearly froze to death , then hitch a lift from there to Verona — the huge Fiat was not part of the service .
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