Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun sg] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 He hung to the rail and let the top part of his body curl over the banister and his dangling head could catch the full undistracted view of the dark , clear mass , seething below .
2 Monitoring the telephone conversations of the Kremlin hierarchy had become one of his pet projects over the last few years .
3 HE 'S no ball player and certainly not one of the game 's better athletes , but you just ca n't argue with his goalscoring record over the years .
4 The middle-aged troubadour was quarrelling with his brother Constantine over the family castle at Hautefort in the border lands between PĂ©rigord and the Limousin .
5 Jarvis , who has had his ups and downs in his relationship with his county Yorkshire over the years , is confident those problems are over too .
6 I think you 'll find that Mr Byrne is now in fact playing in America , ca n't remember who for but I did go to his leaving party over the summer .
7 At any rate , they are the best marks that were to appear on his performance schedule over the next four years , when his average ran at 56.4 per cent .
8 Fired with enthusiasm for the new Europe on his return flight over the North Sea , Fuhrer Kinnock , as he is known in the German press , seemed more frustrated than ever at being out of office at such a momentous time .
9 She will have spent the last 30 years of their marriage sitting in the passenger seat of the car which she is still unable to drive , disappearing into the kitchen when his climbing friends call round for a beer , and laughing dutifully at his mountain anecdotes over a dinner she has made for his boss .
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