Example sentences of "[prep] that [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 next month about that cream that I use .
2 I had doubts about that cover when I saw it because someone on seeing the flag would think it 's a political novel , whereas it 's not .
3 Did I tell you about that song that I heard just once .
4 I just worry about that song because I do n't wan na be any part of kids thinking drugs are cooler than they are , 'cos they 're not for everybody .
5 That 's the only thing about that house that I do n't really like , that 's , the
6 But so far , that 's why I chitted at him this morning about that coal because I 've been using this all morning , I 've not been lighting fire till between one and three o'clock .
7 ‘ I played in the 1987 cup final win against Wasps , but I do n't remember much about that game because I got concussed in the opening 10 minutes .
8 I kept thinking about that reception as I drove blissfully home .
9 I knew nothing about that deal until I played some recent demos of the things that eventually became ‘ Workbook ’ .
10 Ah but so did I and I did nothing but write during that time but I 've never known and everything I 've said about that is true , has turned out to be true .
11 I did my best , but I suppose it was during that time that I began to drink too much and that finished off my promotion chances .
12 And my Will is to be Buried in Linen in a Suit which I shall provide for that purpose And I do hereby order and direct that the Sum of Ten Pounds shall be paid to the person who shall be the last in attending me to the time of my expiring and who shall see me Inclosed and laid in my Coffin in Linen .
13 ‘ It 's nigh on two year since I 've been out that house , ’ said Bella suddenly , ‘ since the Warden took me for that X-ray after I fell over and hurt me wrist . ’
14 It was for that reason that I took the stand I did , and put forward the views that I did .
15 Earlier this evening Graham I thought you erm made a complaint about the number of reports that are coming to committee er but it 's not for that reason that I wanted to dispose of this motion now erm but there are other reasons .
16 It is for that reason that I include it on the shortlist for the Worst Building in the World title .
17 ‘ Well , ’ said the executive , ‘ if things keep going on the way they are , I 'll be there some day catching for that guy and I want to make sure I know his curves . ’
18 Now there have been some allegations flying around that there are people in the parliamentary Labour Party who want to get rid of that link and I want to categorically say that there is no serious figure in the Labour Party who shares that opinion there 's no one in the G M B group who takes that view there 's no one in the Shadow Cabinet and what is more , I know from my own personal experience , and my dealings with him over thirty years , that there is no greater supporter of the trades union link than John Smith himself !
19 I knitted myself a dress from that which started off fawn , but we ran out of that colour and I had to finish it off in blue .
20 I remember before he became Prime Minister he was in charge of the Conservative re-think where I helped him do a lot of that work and I think he enjoyed that very much .
21 It was in October of that year that I got into trouble again , the first time since ‘ 78 .
22 It was the best telling of that story that I have heard .
23 ‘ It 's because of that helplessness that I have to go , ’ and he walked so quickly out of the churchyard that she could not follow him .
24 I accept from Mr that she would have been a trainee manager for some part of that time and I assess her salary as being something like seven thousand pounds net .
25 I was fond of that duvet because I thought it was hers .
26 During the course of er this meeting you will hear from the Chairman and the Honorary Treasurer and we may well cover an enormous amount of the grounds that is relevant to you as commodores , members and officers of the Association and it might be worth , I am going to avoid what he 's trying to avoid most of that area because I believe they cover it in greater detail and give you more of an opportunity to find out precisely what 's been going on .
27 I 'd like to say that I remember something about the rest of that walk but I do n't , only that it rained , then it rained some more , and when it got fed up with that , it rained again .
28 Cos you get all the times against that clock cos I did well at it because I , cos I was the only one that , I was closest , you ca n't get any closer than one second !
29 It is against that background that I return to the conclusion of the majority of the Court of Appeal that the mere fact that Wickes might be able to advance such an argument founded upon article 30 , which was at least not a groundless argument , compelled the Court of Appeal to require an undertaking in damages from the council .
30 I just hope that you issued him with that warning because I meant what I said — I 'll ruin him if he hurts her again . ’
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