Example sentences of "[prep] be seen to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think at that age one is very concerned to be seen to be similar to one 's peers and hence not to be singled out for differential treatment .
2 In Opposition , of course , you have to criticise harder but that criticism has to be seen to be reasonable if you are to succeed .
3 It is becoming fashionable once again to be seen to be successful , ’ he says .
4 Eckmire , anxious to be seen to be supportive of the departing champion , added : ‘ Our sponsorship position has always assumed that Nigel would be driving for Williams next year and we echo the British public 's sentiments . ’
5 MIPS Computer Systems Inc is desperate to be seen to be non-aligned once it is part of Silicon Graphics Inc , and to that end , it has rallied 12 of the computer industry Great and the Good to help guide the future directions of the MIPS microprocessor architecture and help ensure that it remains competitive and open .
6 In the cities , where competition is intense , to be seen to be involved with clients at the top of the commercial ( and to a lesser degree social ) tree , publicity will take very different forms , but whether it comprises the full page recruitment advertisement or a high ranking in some statistical table devised by the editors of a legal journal , a bigger than average spread in a legal directory or an article by one of its partners explaining some development unique to the firm , the message will be the same : we are professional people of the highest calibre who run their practice efficiently and with success ; we have earned the respect of our fellow professionals and the esteem of our clients who are themselves of comparable stature to ourselves .
7 But he maintained that the trust had to be seen to be separate from the health authority .
8 It is also considered indecent for couples to be seen to be intimate in public because sex should be a private affair , only between man and wife .
9 The Government and the forces of law and order have to be seen to be concerned and to be effective .
10 The Government and the forces of law and order have to be seen to be concerned and to be effective .
11 The streets and public spaces had to be seen to be safe , from both criminals and demonstrates .
12 Now I find myself alone — that is irrelevant in terms of what happens to me , but for the idea that the Lord was homosexual , and for the perverted practices on his dead body not to be seen to be blasphemous if the case is lost — about that I am lost for words !
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