Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] by any [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A dogma that once looked profound had been shown to be no more than a simplistic diagram ; and social reality is too complex , in the end , to be embraced by any single theory of history or of class .
2 I do n't really think there 's anything to be gained by any further questioning .
3 This can only be achieved if the specified user is the manager of the package and if the DC raised to update the package does not need to be assessed by any other users .
4 The verification process is going on , but we can not say whether it 's going to be completed by any particular time .
5 Sotheby 's was approached towards the end of 1988 , and , according to Llewellyn , ‘ We told the seller that we certainly would not be prepared to sell it for him unless it was clear that there were no existing legal claims to be made by any third parties against the picture .
6 There are those who would argue that really this industry is unnecessary and that the convention is too important to the stable development of the oceans for it to be jeopardised by any one part .
7 Griffith therefore postulated that ordinary glass is full of very fine cracks , too small to be seen by any ordinary means .
8 It had grounds for such fears , since it was struggling to legitimize itself as the Palestinian representative and did not wish this to be challenged by any independent local movement .
9 one or two members who are resident in St Albans did ask me about their position on item two St Albans Transport Study er the advice that I gave them was that unless they er did which is likely to be affected by any identifiable schemes in the study they do not have a need to declare either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest .
10 The judge went on to find that not only was the information contained in the manuals and the feasibility study not a trade secret but that the information contained in the feasibility study was too obvious and too vague and unspecific to be caught by any alleged fiduciary duty that the defendants were under .
11 Everybody , unless they 've been had their head in the ground for the last thirteen years , know damn well that they 're not going to get housed off the needs register particularly quickly and they only go to people who are most unable to be housed by any other means are going to bother even to put their names on the needs register .
12 X Window is certain to be a success because it allows for applications running on any manufacturer 's machine and any multi-tasking operating system to be used by any X-based workstation or terminal .
13 At the other extreme , Belinda attached herself with limpet-like tenacity , as Rachel remembered she had done previously in the swimming-pool , doggedly refusing to be distracted by any other diversion , engrossed only in Rachel 's clothes , her hair and the colour of her lipstick .
14 Designed to be a complete teaching package , Fanfare does not need to be supplemented by any additional material .
15 Fifth , the question of who pays , who benefits , and who loses is an essential one to be addressed by any conservation policy .
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