Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] in any [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was rather to identify some of the concrete problems which would have to be faced in any such exercise .
2 These staff members would have to be replicated in any unitary structures that emerge following reform in this region .
3 It would be difficult for this important matter , the relationship between the intellect and human feelings , to be presented in any other way to young readers .
4 Options may , however , be exercised for a limited period in certain specified circumstances , including death , ceasing employment on account of injury , disability , pregnancy or redundancy , retirement , the sale of the business or subsidiary for which the employee works or ( at the discretion of the Committee ) if the employee ceases to be employed in any other circumstances .
5 They limit the amount that has to be grasped in any one utterance .
6 One has to develop routines to cope with the situation because it is far too complicated a situation to be handled in any other way .
7 In order to split the Listing into a series of manageable files , the user can indicate the maximum number of pages which are to be generated in any one version of a file .
8 It was my Maker who offended against me , acting so unfatherly against one who never asked to be born in any unnatural way .
9 If we can identify style markers , we shall rule out , simply by ignoring them , whole areas of the English language which do not seem to be exploited in any unusual way in a particular text .
10 The basic idea can be captured in minutes and the total concept fully realised in , at most , a couple of hours , which is a lot faster than it takes for the same degree of finish to be achieved in any other medium .
11 The group has revised its own specification to require most of the recommended items to be incorporated in any new vehicles that are purchased .
12 Such networks are extremely complex and diverse but interrelationships between central government agencies and the localities via the above organizations need to be acknowledged in any realistic model of central-local relationships .
13 During talks in Bangkok on Jan. 4 with an Australian envoy , Khieu Samphan , the nominal leader of the Khmers Rouges , insisted that he and his colleagues had to be included in any interim Cambodian administration .
14 Foucault recognizes in Deleuze 's account of events as singularities , points or intensities on a surface ready to be actualized in any particular form or meaning , the potential for pushing further his own notion of history as a genealogical series .
15 She knew that he had two grown-up daughters of his own and would scarcely have approved of aiding and abetting or even allowing a girl of Liza 's age to be left in any compromising situation with a young married man .
16 If service is to be effected in any other country , the writ may be served through the government of that country , if that government is willing to effect service , or through a British consular authority there ( except where service through such an authority is contrary to the law of that country ) 254 .
17 Law and morality were not yet clearly distinguished , nor could one even say that the whole of law or justice was to be found in any one court ; the Ecclesiastical Courts , and Local Courts of many different kinds , administered a justice which was not the justice of the Common Law Courts ; so the thought was natural that even the King 's justice was not exhausted in the power conferred on his courts .
18 ‘ No less than 80 are entirely confined to the Celebesian fauna , a degree of individuality which , considering the situation of the island , is hardly to be equalled in any other part of the world … ‘
19 However , some natural change has gone on and is still going on in the country , and physical changes need to be anticipated in any local study .
20 They will be the parts of the essay most likely to be remembered in any general impression .
21 : Fifteen documents were extracted from the Longman Corpus ( LELC ) and retained as test data , not to be used in any subsequent lexical processing ( e.g. dictionary creation , etc . ) .
22 One of the important issues that would have to be addressed in any new constitutional settlement for Scotland would be the funding arrangements of Scotland within the United Kingdom .
23 And it seems to me that in order that that ought to be reflected in any revised wording of the of the policy that the development should be permitted unless it would could demonstrable harm .
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