Example sentences of "[prep] be [prep] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 . However , if the amplitude of the signal source e.m.f. becomes small enough for the excursion of the intersection point P to be over an effectively linear region of the characteristic , then the signals and will be proportional to .
2 The position is still worse because , in many schools , most of the RE time available is spent on content only marginally linked with religion : on moral and cultural education of one kind or another or social studies in which the information conveyed about different religions tends to be of a largely sociological nature , describing other people 's customs and beliefs .
3 The Zoology here , from what I have already seen , is likely to be of a most interesting description , totally different in its nature from that of Sydney , but probably approaching nearer in its character to the productions found beyond the Liverpool range , or what is more properly called the interior of New South Wales . ’
4 For one thing , the 1988 Act specifically states that it is not necessary for every act of collective worship to be of a broadly Christian character providing that most of such acts are .
5 The benefits do not have to be of a strictly pecuniary kind ; individuals may enjoy the status of high office , even if they do not benefit financially from it , and advertising is a method of purchasing the status .
6 Although he is a versatile director , the emotional notes he specialises in teasing out tend to be of a more subtle nature than the full-blooded chords of sexual ecstasy .
7 The net result is that prices are often higher for houses in attractive and accessible villages , and much of the new housing built tends to be of a more expensive kind which maintains this feature .
8 I fear the Tory tabloids have made it difficult for those of us anti-Leftists who consider ourselves to be of a more reflective disposition .
9 The amount of loss suffered by the consumer could be very large in relation to his financial resources , while not serious for the businessman who caused the breach , and in any event the businessman could ( in cases of breach caused by inadvertent default , at any rate ) possibly obtain insurance cover for such liability , since it is likely to be of a very low level ( see Harris v Wyre Forest District Council [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 ) .
10 Because grammatical elements typically need to have the capacity to combine normally with semantically very various roots , their meanings tend to be of a very general sort : the notion of past tense , for instance , can combine without anomaly with virtually any conceivable verbal notion .
11 I may be a little biased about this one , but I now consider it to be of a very high standard .
12 Non-financial reward for services is likely to be of a highly specific , immediate and implicated form ; financial recompense , however , may be translated at any time into a large range of goods and alternative services , according to the desire of the recipient .
13 The last night in Edinburgh we were approached by a man , a dubious-looking character who turned out soon to be of an unimaginably boring respectability .
14 Theoretical explanations in the sciences tend to be of an essentially hypothetical nature .
15 I have always found the quality to be of an extremely high standard and presumed that with the publicity generated by the 150th anniversary celebrations last year , there would have been an increase in interest in the magazine .
16 ‘ If it should rain , it 's not going to be for a very long time . ’
17 I can imagine some unpleasant things happening with the sling , too ; the sling-bombs have to be on a pretty short fuse if they 're to detonate soon enough after they land not to be throw-backable , and I 've had a couple of close calls already when they 've gone off just after they left the sling .
18 To take this initiative and extend it to include a range of interests which they can use , whether or not they are employed in the future , might help them to be on a more equal footing with their peers who have not been in public care .
19 This house was indeed built for a gentleman — it just happens to be on an almost miniature scale .
20 Many of the submerged banks and the bottoms of the lagoons of the atolls seem to be at a remarkably uniform depth , as one would expect if they represent an important phase of planation during a long period of preglacial stability .
21 At present , other matters are proceeding , but I can tell the hon. Gentleman — I am grateful to him for seeking clarification — that in respect of a further order for type 23s , I expect that to be at a broadly similar interval comparing this with the previous order that was placed .
22 It was decided to generate the samples from referrals to the psychogeriatric service in each borough , partly because it was easier to do that than to draw them from general practitioners ' lists or social services department referrals , but mainly in order to provide the service for people whose illness was likely to be at a relatively advanced stage and who were likely to need extra care if they were to continue to live at home .
23 Inspiration seemed to be at a very low ebb .
24 The fusion rate in D 2 O is calculated to be at an unmeasurably slow rate of 10 -65 per pair per second at room temperature .
25 The retir , the retirement homes are being strategically placed in that position enabling people to be in a real central position so that they can get to all of the amenities they need .
26 There 's no real I mean you 'd have to be in a real big way of a business and use a large proportion of your house for the gain on that proportion to exceed five thousand eight hundred .
27 The explanation for adult personality , in other words , is to be found in the individual 's first encounters with the world , at a time when he is thought to be in a highly impressionable state .
28 He seemed to be in a really good mood .
29 But that if they did not make progress we were going to be in a really difficult situation which might have military overtones as well .
30 When the coffin was examined in St George 's Chapel , Windsor , the body was found to be in a sufficiently good condition to recognize the features ; some of the yellow-gold velvet of the outer shroud was also present .
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