Example sentences of "[prep] be [prep] a [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The final extension of the system is planned to be through a 2–5 km tramway tunnel , which is unventilated .
2 ‘ Supposed to be worth a million pounds , ’ his voice sank to a whisper .
3 Well yes I mean it 's it 's got to be worth a hundred quid or more .
4 ‘ If the ball is there to be won and you 've got to go in to win that ball for your team , then maybe you are going to be in a 40-60 situation — and you 've still got to go in .
5 Its guidlines state that the bypass would have to be within a hundred yards of the road or the conditions intolerable before the property would be bought , though the Judge Mr Justice Latham said that in his view those guidelines were a shambles .
6 Would you think it actually takes a hundred calls to make one appointment , but each sale is not gon na be worth a thousand pound though is it ?
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