Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] over [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This area is to be gone over with a fine tooth-comb .
2 The paper is clipped together by firm bulldog clips at the top edge of the required piece of hardboard , so allowing the charts to be turned over in an upwards direction .
3 But in some respects he seems to be left over from a previous age .
4 ( This plan was abandoned when rumours began to circulate that the castle was about to be taken over as a headquarters for Field Marshal Kesselring ; rumours which subsequently proved to have no basis in fact . )
5 More recently , the question has been raised as to whether it is contrary to the public interest for a private company to be taken over by a foreign state-owned company , given the privatization objectives of the UK government .
6 The parachute service was due to be taken over by a civilian operation when the base closes in the Autumn .
7 The group was set to be taken over by a company owned by Pat Robertson , an American televangelist and former right-wing presidential hopeful .
8 But peasants also complained when what they called ‘ doctors ’ came out to inspect their cattle and sanitary arrangements , or when two peasants who had murdered their wives had to be handed over to a visiting ‘ social court ’ ( obshchestvennyi sud ) set up by a shefstvo team .
9 ‘ Attention was called to the Company 's payment of £50 per annum to the Vicar of Stantonbury for managing these schools , seeing that they are about to be handed over to a School Board and it was agreed that the payment be continued as in respect of Sunday School management , but during the pleasure of the Board and to the present incumbent only ’ .
10 Lords temporal were not mustered as members of the county community : it would never have done for ‘ my lord ’ to be paraded on the village green by some Dogberry and Verges , even a Justice Shallow , made to line up with Mouldy , Shadow , Wart and the rest , to be handed over to a red-nosed , pot-bellied mercenary captain , to be abused and maybe put on a charge by his blustering subordinates , and finally
11 Alice was to be handed over to a guardian nominated by Richard , who would marry her after his return from crusade .
12 This led to doubt as to the effectiveness of the decree , which also ordered the colony 's property to be handed over to a Methodist church , even though much of it had been sold to individual members of the colony , who were not themselves to be subject to specific government action .
13 In a statement the W.Midlands Regional Health Authority said they needed vacant possession for the property to be handed over to a private housebuilder for development .
14 Former Crossroads actor Stan Stennett has been told that his licence will not be renewed , and that the theatre is to be handed over to a trust .
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