Example sentences of "[prep] it be that [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 The only pity of it is that they 're running out of Forster novels to film .
2 And the maddening part of it is that it 's my own fault .
3 Yeah , I think , I think really the er the er overall view of it is that it 's not serious investment , I mean it is just pure flutter .
4 The only way you can make sense of it is that it 's it 's design to get a competitor out of the market .
5 Anyway , the upshot of it is that he 's written a song , for his daughter , based on the Basil Brush thing .
6 Erm , I ca n't remember the exact conversation but the basics of it were that we were looking for somebody called Lawrence and he was at the present time at erm and that he was in possession of a gun and that the caller was concerned for the safety of the occupants of those premises .
7 Everyone in this part of the world had obviously been fighting against either the Russians or the Yugoslavs , but the devil of it was that they were prepared to do anything rather than surrender to either of these armies . "
8 Mr Sandy recalls that the biggest challenge was just to get the name known in the major markets in Europe : ‘ Whether the message coming back was ‘ Unbekannt ’ or ‘ Pas Connu ’ the gist of it was that we were unknown and if you 're trying to sell whiskies people have n't heard of , then you have n't got much to go on . ’
9 The truth of it was that he was even less certain of her now than he 'd been at the beginning ; how she thought , the way she might react as the world around her changed .
10 But in due course er when I was still off with flu , erm back to the specialist another test , you know , and that was er March , April of last year and the result of it was that there is something in there which is characteristic of what 's , what we call multiple sclerosis which seems to me is about as broad as it 's long , you know , it 's , it 's a very large
11 My impression of it was that it is not as powerful or flexible as the one which Audio Visual demonstrated to myself and Dr Chamberlain recently .
12 And that was my problem with it was that I was in much in terms of being able to go into the classroom an and talk to the kids and have a really good relationship with the teachers and things .
13 The point is that the inference which you give to it is that they 're not quite fit to be Governors , by comparison with others , and I 'd like to defend that because I can assure you that I have never ever nominated a Governor for a school who I have not thought would be advantageous to that Board of Governors to have as a member and that he will be he or she will be a contributor to that particular school , and I 've done it time and time and time again and indeed on occasions have had headmasters coming to me and thanking me for the particular person that I put in .
14 The most that can be claimed for it is that it is ingenious .
15 I do n't think the script 's up to scratch , and the whole thing 's underbudgeted , but one thing I will say for it is that it 's ABOUT something .
16 For our purposes , what matters about it is that it is an all-or-none signal , with an amplitude that does not attenuate as it travels along the axon .
17 It is often not difficult to determine that relationship , but the point about it is that it is not but must be figured out by every reader .
18 The thing about it is that it is not death of the body that is important to us , it 's the soul .
19 What he 's , I bet what he does n't like about it is that you 're not running back to him saying look Simon come back to me I need you and it
20 What is striking about it is that he is the first Anglo-Saxon king known to have abdicated to go to Rome and that he went to Rome not as a baptized Christian but to seek baptism .
21 ‘ One of the odd things about it is that he was wearing brand-new clothes , ’ he added .
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