Example sentences of "[prep] it [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 War on the ground is really a man with a large field with curved corrugated metal huts to keep pigs in to grub all the vegetation off to feed them up to get themselves eaten by other men to help those men to have the energy to work to make the curved corrugated metal huts and grow other food in other fields that gets eaten by another lot of men who leave some of it to feed back to the pigs .
2 A couple of weeks later , just as most of the officers and men of the Allied Screening Commission in Verona were preparing to go off for the weekend to the country , an enormous , chauffeur-driven Fiat motor car with a flag on the front of it rolled up in the drive .
3 The amber liquid shook in the glass and some of it spilled on to the tan cloth of her Burberry .
4 Some of it spilled inadvertently on the nearest congregation , particularly Carmella and Joey .
5 The joint BPXM-Pemex team has set about the task ahead of them by cataloguing a mass of seismic , well and production data , much of it dating back to the 1930s .
6 Huge sums of money were generated by the World Cup and it is of the greatest importance that most of it goes back into the game and its development .
7 All of it eating away at the spiritual fabric of existence for thousands upon thousands of years .
8 Well when you had your grab , you used to lower it on the deck of the , deck of the erm trawler and when you open your grab , that much , a lot of it hold up in the grab you see , you could n't get so of course when you did take your grab up , lot of it went over the side .
9 Research has markedly redressed the unfounded and ill-wishing treatment of it dished out by the zealots seeking to bring about the hardened approach to poverty eventually enacted in the harsh workhouse-based act of 1834 .
10 Advertising revenue would certainly help , or would boost profits , but much of it went simply on the paper and production costs of printing the advertisements .
11 The manual alerts the teacher to the kinds of ‘ errors ’ children are most likely to make and emphasises that in the ‘ correct ’ drawing ‘ the front of the road occupies the whole width of the picture , and the distant end of it vanishes away to a point far back on the horizon ’ .
12 The first intimation of it came out of the blue , but I can not ignore the fact that she has persisted in it .
13 In so far as the fear of relativism is of it becoming even for the most aware a matter of taste whether one is selfish or unselfish , compassionate or cruel , the fear is misplaced .
14 There was a lorr of it going on at the time , y'know .
15 thought it should be in there cos it 's normally Okay now all that happens here if you if you think of it going back to the picture with the the magnets or the electrostatic charges or or bonds whatever you like to think of it .
16 At Fenella 's side , Caspar said softly , ‘ They are unable to stand , poor things , ’ and Fenella felt the pity of it hit hard at the base of her throat .
17 FLOORS Wherever there is water or liquid , there is the danger of it ending up on the floor and causing you to slip .
18 This , called the Thulean Province , covered much of what we now call the north Atlantic Ocean , but over thousands of years , much of it sank again beneath the waters .
19 The top half of it slides down over the bottom half so that it can be lowered right down to table-top level when a debate is going on and a speaker is sitting down .
20 Down below , a car with a flashing blue light on top of it pulled away from the excitement around the train , crossed the main road and headed slowly up the lane .
21 Miranda cut her toast with such force that a corner of it flew on to the floor .
22 There has been little sociological work on this topic but there has been a good deal of interesting history , much of it carried out under the aegis of the North East Labour History Society .
23 He was full of all the gossip and rumours , most of it picked up from the ships he visited and seamen he talked to .
24 The summit of it curled forward like a giant wave at the point of breaking .
25 He thinks he can grow the business into a significant piece of change , much of it coming perhaps from the Microsoft arena where , as much as Lachman is a self-admitted Unix bigot , he knows he has to enter .
26 What 's forty-eight hours and a good part of it taken up on the train !
27 If you are worried about this problem then it is worth knowing that the radiation decreases in strength very rapidly with distance and most of it comes out of the back of the monitor .
28 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm i it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who are made , made redundant , going to the company and swelling their balance sheets , while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
29 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who were made , made redundant going to the company and swelling their balance sheets while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation , when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
30 In other words , you concentrate not just on what 's repressed in id , but on the structure of the ego as well , and the superego , and the course of nature part of it comes out in the book as told us that Woodrow Wilson had a tremendous superego in the form of his identification with his father , who he further identified with God , I mean , if I come over very critical indeed , and therefore , his own ego was identified with Jesus Christ .
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