Example sentences of "[prep] the course of [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If you take a sample er , of ce the cera cereblis fluid during the course of acute bacteria meningitis you will find it 's drowning , drowning , not due the fact that it 's an organism , but present , being due to the presence of puss cells .
2 What had happened to change Sylvia so drastically during the course of twelve days ?
3 This is particularly effective in situations where the sender of a message is working in an area far from any telephone extension , and would therefore find it difficult to alert a pager system , or where two-say conversation is necessary during the course of certain operations .
4 Ms Donovan worked for a local authority and , during the course of disciplinary proceedings , was told that she would be permitted to terminate her employment on the last day of the year if she so wished .
5 It pointed out that , where parties seek to negotiate during the course of disciplinary proceedings and an agreed formula is worked out , it would be ‘ most unfortunate ’ if the mere fact that agreement was reached while the proceedings continued enabled the employee to say later that there was a dismissal .
6 We never came to any agreement , but I can say for my part that I developed fairly firm ideas of my own on the matter during the course of such discussions , and they are by and large the beliefs I still hold today .
7 In two years Allison had had six miscarriages during the course of five pregnancies but she was still optimistic .
8 The fortuitous intervention of a criminal appeal during the course of those proceedings ought not , he contends , to persuade us to permit any departure from the usual strict approach taken rightly to implied undertakings .
9 He has tirelessly put the views of the National Licensed Victuallers Association to the Government during the course of these discussions and changes .
10 It seems that with such a background the theme of your thoughts during the course of these symposiums has been getting the message across , and certainly when you turn to the one that you have this time , of the media , you are really getting involved in getting the message across .
11 And in labelling the former causes ‘ accidents ’ , Plekhanov implies that they are both an unpredictable and a comparatively unimportant part of the explanation of the course of historical events .
12 Clearly a high turnover in the course of fifteen years can not be ruled out , but nonetheless subletting looks probable unless tenurial conditions discouraged long occupancies : the lease of the manor farm was dated 1534 .
13 In the course of fifteen years I have slowly worked my way up from the people , together with this Movement .
14 The applicant sought judicial review of the decison of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 26 June 1991 , in the course of criminal proceedings against the applicant , to seek to enforce his compliance with the requirement contained in a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to attend at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information in respect of her investigation of the applicant alone , afer she had caused him to be interviewed under caution on three occasions and thereafter charged him with an offence , at a time when and in circumstances whereby ( a ) the applicant 's application for legal aid had not yet been granted and he had neither legal advice nor legal representation available to him ; ( b ) the Director had stated that she would not cause the applicant to be further cautioned in compliance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 of the current Codes of Practice issued pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
15 Troops have been used fairly regularly in Britain in the course of industrial disputes , in the years before 1914 , in the General Strike of 1926 and , more recently , during the Glasgow dustmen 's strike in April 1975 and the firemen 's strike in the winter of 1977–8 .
16 In the course of eight months 20 per cent of all horses in the country had been killed .
17 In the course of eight sessions under the presidency of Friedel a list of 62 rules was formulated .
18 In the course of conversational interviews ( Burgess , 1988 ) that 1 conducted with Valerie Way and with Jenny Ball I followed up the themes of religion , gender and feminism and the impact these had upon their day to day work .
19 However , it will be one of the major themes of this article that , from a social psychological point of view , one needs to look beyond the explicit arguments , which are produced in the course of actual controversies .
20 If you countersign this letter in agreement , we will treat you as such for the purpose of regulated work which may arise in the course of future assignments .
21 All of that had changed in the course of five minutes in the ancillary staff 's locker room , and the sense of betrayal had been exactly the same .
22 The Court of Appeal held that three or four transactions in the course of five years were not sufficient to establish a course of dealing .
23 In the course of five days , during which the super-rich flooded through the hall , the Europeans learned just what American collectors want .
24 Beginning in the first week in August , Sri Lankan fans will , in the course of six months , see Australia , New Zealand and England perform here .
25 Justice in this context has been defined in one case as ‘ the administration of justice in the course of legal proceedings in a court of law ’ .
26 In the course of four decades almost half a million pounds were produced for the king by clerical taxation , and in fact its burden was all the more concentrated because of the absence of demands in the 1360s .
27 We get some glimpse of what conditions would be like without water by observing modern deserts , which commonly fluctuate from +45°C to around zero , in the course of twelve hours !
28 And this Mr you see , he used to have several , in the course of twelve months , they used to have several bullocks cos he used to keep perhaps , well up to eighty to a hundred bullocks a year for fat , yeah .
29 ‘ Small Agricultural Tractor ’ — unladen weight not more than 2550 kg may be driven in the course of agricultural operations on any road which is not a restricted road or on any road ( other than a Special Road ) while taking or going to and from a driving test .
30 Thus to honour the first of the Roman emperors an orderly arrangement was reduced to an illogical jumble that many people find difficult to remember but which in the course of 2,000 years has been successfully imposed on most of the world .
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