Example sentences of "[prep] the new [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They negotiated a special discount rate for a batch of 50 straps before making a submission for the new equipment to Group manufacturing and technical director Chris Johnson .
2 Its 1,360cc four-cylinder engine , mated to a five-speed gearbox , is new , having been developed specially for the new generation of AXs from the mainstream-car petrol engine .
3 Carrying the banner of the nuclear industry , it was well aware of what it meant to be a target for the new generation of environmentalists .
4 This is great news for the new generation of women writers , but for some it is already too late .
5 Finally , Stamford put itself forward in the 1960s as one of the sites for the new generation of universities , citing the town 's ‘ university history ’ in support of its case .
6 Thus his ideas remained as a potent legacy for the new generation of Marxists which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s .
7 Prime Minister James Mitchell carried out a Cabinet reshuffle in late January , transferring responsibility for foreign affairs from himself to Herbert Young , hitherto Minister for Trade and Tourism , whose Trade portfolio was passed to Jonathan Peters , hitherto Minister of State for Trade and Tourism , who took responsibility for the new Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs ; Mitchell also created a new portfolio of Grenadines Affairs , with Stephanie Brown as Junior Minister .
8 Demand for the new course in Graphic Communication has been high in the School and with the latest in Computer Aided Graphics and Design forming an integral part of the course it is already proving very popular with our pupils .
9 ‘ It was purely a contingency arrangement , ’ says a spokesman , explaining that it needed to have a ‘ suite ’ of offices speedily available for the new Secretary of State for Women — probably Jo Richardson — and her staff to move into .
10 Iago 's contempt for the new breed of Renaissance soldier , necessarily more technical given the increasingly scientific development of warfare in the sixteenth century , may be intended to show that his complaint is the predictable and irrelevant grumble of the old-fashioned soldier made obsolete by new technology .
11 More complicated was the situation at Queen 's , where designs for the front quad were prepared by Hawksmoor , but the scheme executed by Townesend ( 1710–21 ) appears to have been almost entirely the joint work of himself and Clarke ; while for the new building at Magdalen , the original design by Edward Holdsworth [ q.v. ] was revised by Townesend in 1731 under Clarke 's direction .
12 The decade began with the American Library Association 's Standards for school library programs , which gave a very thorough rationale for the new type of services the school libraries were now to support :
13 In all his self-justifications , Joyce talked of having come to Germany to fight for the new order against Bolshevism and Jewry .
14 The speech outlining government policy at the opening of the parliamentary session was delivered by King Hussein himself — a move which was interpreted as underlining his support for the new government of Ibn Shaker .
15 The people of Gloucestershire had this message for the new man in charge of policing :
16 Though it was far from being a great film it altered the boundaries and opened the way for the New Wave of realism , cinema vérité .
17 The painter Patrick Heron wrote for the New Statesman in London in the 1950s , and used this technique for writing about Braque , whom he compared with Picasso .
18 Plans for the new terminus at Raven Square on the outskirts of Welshpool included station buildings … but the rebuilding of the Sylfaen-Welshpool section and the reclamation of land for the station where the Sylfaen brook had meandered soaked up all available funds .
19 He has been waiting for his allowance since first putting in a claim for the new benefit on April 24 , more than six months ago .
20 We can gain some idea of this from data included in the household survey cards compiled in 1929–30 for the New survey of London life and labour ( see Appendix 1 ) .
21 The large folio size was particularly appropriate for the new technique of lithography , which , with its wide range of tones and the subtlety of its lines , was best suited to large , bold designs .
22 New officers had to be appointed for the new objective of woodland management for timber production .
23 The Cabinet will meet for the first time on Wednesday to draw up a programme of legislation for the new session of Parliament , which will last 18 months until the autumn of 1993 .
24 FOLLOWING the passing earlier this year of the Transport & Works Act 1992 , the Government are now completing preparation of detailed regulations for the new system of orders for new railway works which will replace both the old system operated under the Light Railway Acts and the former Private Bill procedure for larger scale works .
25 This takes — for the new avatar of Singer who features in this part of the play — two forms : first retribution ( the hunting out of his Auschwitz guard ) , then compassion ( the running of a soup kitchen for London 's homeless ) .
26 If your Marshall is presently going through a bit of a traumatic phase , then keep a sharp eye out for the new range of Marshall original spares .
27 The hotel 's spacious 9-hole course is the setting for the new Academy of Golf — a series of one-day events which combine serious tuition with golfing fun .
28 On his retirement from the Civil Service six years ago … he became President of the Clapham Liberal Association , and at the General Election of 1916 was the chosen parliamentary candidate for the new constituency of South Battersea where he put up a strong fight against odds for what he firmly and honestly believed to be the tight .
29 The MP for the new constituency of Milton Keynes North East is the last of the '92 intake to break his silence , but he nearly did n't make it all .
30 One of these writers , the poet Hölderlin , claims our particular attention here for the new attitude towards Germany that his commitment to the Greek ideal entails — and also for his intuitive awareness of a greater complexity underlying " the spirit of Greece " than Winckelmann or his immediate successors had been able to recognize .
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