Example sentences of "[prep] the first [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The distance estimate is important because astronomers use it as the first rung in the distance ladder they extend across the Universe .
2 The average rank of the first hit in the sequence of words for use in forming islands was 4.8 , and the rank did not increase with sentence length …
3 Samsung Electronics Co 's workstation division last week introduced its SWS715 Hewlett-Packard clone workstation , one of the first to emerge onto the market .
4 I wonder , bearing in mind that incident , however serious , or minor it was , would you be one of the first to go through the Channel Tunnel ?
5 To live in these courts must have been like living in perpetual gloom , thank goodness they were some of the first to go during the rehousing purge between the wars .
6 It 's one of the first meets of the season .
7 The popular health system was one of the first organized by the popular movement and the revolutionary groups that formed the FMLN in 1980 .
8 I delivered Eliot to Magdalen , and was one of the first to arrive for the English Club meeting , accompanied by a Somerville girl to whom I had become attached .
9 The Queen Mother was one of the first to arrive on the scene .
10 The court heard that Mr Hale 's crew was one of the first to arrive at the underground station after the fire broke out .
11 By the middle of the thirteenth-century Milan 's ruling commune had lost its power , and the city had become one of the first to fall to the signori , the city lords .
12 The nucleus of the first consists of the preludes on chorales associated with the Lutheran mass ( Kyrie and Gloria ) and the larger ( pedaliter ) catechism preludes .
13 Mr Livingstone was one of the first to step into the debate on Friday , claiming that Mr Smith 's plans had frightened middle-income earners .
14 ‘ Indeed a bill might be one of the first to come before the Scottish Grand Committee .
15 One of the first stops on the way was London , where The Graduate was yet to become a hit , so Dustin was able to walk the streets in peace .
16 Few had come that way since the Deosil Gate had been one of the first to collapse in a shower of white-hot embers .
17 But many archbishops were delighted by the excuse to go on pilgrimage to Rome ; and one of the first to benefit from the custom was Sigeric , archbishop of Canterbury ( 990 — 4 ) , who has left us a kind of diary of his visit — first of the churches in Rome which a pilgrim had especially to visit and to pray in , and then of the stages on his long journey back to Canterbury .
18 His mother is one of the first to benefit from the use of the new monitor .
19 He became one of the first to benefit from the plastic surgery techniques pioneered by Sir Archibald
20 James Hansen of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York , one of the first to warn of the dangers of global warming , agrees that most of the warming has been at night but expects warming factors eventually to overtake cooling factors , leading to significant rises in daytime temperatures .
21 Recognizing amongst the life-filled Indonesian islands a way of being and mind as alien as it was complementary to Western thought , Wallace 's writings were also amongst the first to gleam with an enlightened futurism .
22 Visual mean values of UOS pressure were taken for each two second interval from 10 seconds before the onset of the common cavity episode until one second before the first swallow after the common cavity episode , or the onset of the first secondary oesophageal peristaltic wave ( Fig 3 ) .
23 On the night of their escape , Moses had commanded the Jews to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the doorposts of their homes as a sign that they were to be ‘ passed over ’ by the Angel of Death , who was to bring death to the first born of every Egyptian family .
24 Among the first to respond to the new President 's call for 75,000 men was John MacArthur , born in Elderslie in Renfrewshire , and Commander of the Highland Guard of Chicago .
25 He was among the first to respond to the call to the colours in the 1st World War and the outcome was clear .
26 Two ambulancemen , Mr Alan Woods and Mr Rob Lloyd of Putney Ambulance Station , who were among the first to arrive at the scene of the disaster a year ago , watched the morning trains speed by .
27 She found him a ‘ rather stern-featured man ’ , with a strong Northumbrian accent and seems to have preferred the ‘ Rocket ’ which she described as ‘ This snorting little animal , which I felt inclined to pat … ’ and so ranks among the first to fall under the spell of the steam locomotive .
28 The company plans to concentrate on Britain , Germany and Belgium — the areas expected to be among the first to benefit from a turnaround in the property sector , especially in industrial and office buildings .
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