Example sentences of "[prep] the fact that [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Kier accounts for her free-thinking clothes sense from the fact that from the age of three her mother left her to dress herself .
32 Apart from the fact that in the Fearon case the residence requirement was not coupled with a nationality requirement , that case can be distinguished on several counts .
33 The important point emerges from the fact that in the first and third sentences we are dealing with a certain kind of disparity and in the second with the possibility of a disparity ( albeit one that is denied ) .
34 In France the same consciousness that an increasing proportion of international relations now lay completely outside the scope of traditional diplomacy was reflected in the fact that of the country 's entire delegation to the Versailles peace conference the ministry of foreign affairs provided only about a quarter .
35 The force of SSAPs resided primarily in the fact that under the ICAEW 's auditing standards , a true and fair view was generally defined as one which did not contravene extant SSAPs ; and that any noncompliance had to be stated and its effect quantified .
36 Therefore , like him , I rejoice in the fact that in the last three months of last year the motor car industry earned a surplus on the balance of payments , and exports of motor cars rose by 55 per cent .
37 Partly , this may be due to the fact that outside the tropics atmospheric circulation is from west to east , due to Coriolis forces , the forces which result from the effect of the Earth 's rotation on moving bodies . )
38 But Aston Martin point to the fact that of the 12,000 of their cars built over 80 years , 9,000 are still on the road .
39 This was mainly due to demobilization , but others may have been attracted to the region due to the fact that through the expropriation of landowners , the area held by peasants had gone up by 65 per cent since 1917 .
40 One wonders to what extent this is due to the fact that through the ‘ list system ’ associated with proportional representation , German politicians act very much under the direct control of their party machines .
41 It was her solitary research and activism during the 1970s which alerted the world to the fact that despite the end of large-scale hunting in the 1950s , numbers had continued to decline , and the whales were on the verge of extinction .
42 The Committee drew attention to the fact that during the experiment fewer Members had been formally penalised for bad behaviour than in several recent sessions , and reported that neither the Speaker nor the Community had any evidence that rowdiness had significantly increased ; on the possible long-term effect , early evidence was ‘ mildly encouraging ’ .
43 The relations between the Cubists and the German painters with whom they came into contact were less stormy , although the internal situation in Germany was complex from an art-historical point of view owing to the fact that during the pre-war years Germany seemed to become the melting-pot for western European painting .
44 This is not just climbing on to a fashionable band-wagon , it is facing up to the fact that for the first time in the history of our science we are approaching a general theory of the earth .
45 The Australian Unwins , sitting with the rival owners of Flokati , were concerned about a lifelessness they had detected in Upper Gumtree due to the fact that on the train their horse had been fed a restricted diet of compressed food nuts and high-grade hay and the Flokati people were cheerfully saying that on so long a stretch without exercise , good hay was best .
46 But , owing to the fact that on the ebb tide water movement is confined to the depressions , the sediment deposited will not accumulate in the depressions to the same extent that it accumulates on the ridges .
47 Gold and silver owe their nobility to the fact that unlike the base metals they retain their brightness and lustre for an indefinite period in a pure atmosphere .
48 Both of them could attribute their popularity to the fact that in the old days , when opening hours were not so well controlled , they stayed open longer than others , with the result that patrons of The Cock and The Bull were usually the most tipsy .
49 This may be partly due to the fact that in the UK , young parents of today are less aware of the seriousness of some of the diseases as Sieving ( 1988 ) points out in her discussion of the ravages of measles in developing countries .
50 The first is that the absence of a systematic theology of redemption was simply due to the fact that in the early church no great disputes had yet arisen about it .
51 Can my right hon. Friend find time during his busy day to congratulate the management and staff of Rover on the fact that over the past 12 months not one single minute of production time has been lost through industrial disputes ?
52 In his well-known book Feudal Society , the historian Marc Bloch has laid particular emphasis on the fact that in the Middle Ages men found it difficult to appreciate the significance of time because they were so ill-equipped to measure it .
53 One of the chief reasons for believing that heterostracans were fossil relatives of hagfishes ( Fig. 2 A , b ) centred on the fact that in the modern hagfish , Myxine , and heterostracans there is a single external branchial opening emptying from several internal gill pouches .
54 And plus the fact that with the control room had been taken out nobody could sound the general evacuation alarms either , there was no alarms or anything or any warning for anybody on the platform either .
55 It is vital that we get across the fact that under the reforms in the NHS we can now set proper standards of care throughout the country .
56 The restrictive nature of the domicile requirement was increased by the fact that under the Act of 1988 the burden of proof was borne by the applicant for registration ; however , evidence of a subjective intention was not easy to find especially since , where the applicant was a company , it would also be necessary to prove the state of mind of hundreds or thousands of shareholders .
57 He partly supported this belief by the fact that of the 3,700 books or articles listed in the two-volume Criminology Index ( Wolfgang , Figlio , and Thornberry 1975 ) which reviews theoretical and empirical work in criminology from 1945 to 1972 , there were only ninety-two , or about 2.5 per cent , dealing with white-collar or corporate crime .
58 In England the question of translation was complicated by the fact that between the Norman Conquest and the middle of the fourteenth century French was the language of the ruling class .
59 The pressure for change to which intellectuals were subjecting the government was perhaps best illustrated by the fact that on the right of the political spectrum even Mikhail Pogodin , the philosopher of Official Nationality , fell out with the authorities in the course of the war .
60 The thought of ‘ New Liberalism ’ was shaped by the fact that during the period 1880–1914 a great deal of interventionist legislation had been enacted , much of which had been the responsibility of Liberal governments .
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