Example sentences of "[prep] the man who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Hareton inherited nothing from his father , and could only stay on at Wuthering Heights as a servant , working for the man who had been his father 's enemy .
2 When Marek saw the headstone for the first time no one in the neighbourhood whom he asked knew anything about the man who had been buried there .
3 Together they started to laugh , the deep chuckle and the dry whispery cackle rolling past the monks , who returned with a start to their praying ; past Bridhe , Elizabeth , Marion , Hector and his young attendants , the women , clan officers , nephews , cousins , clansmen great and common , clustered weeping at the death-bed of the man who had been chief for the whole life-time of most of them .
4 Within minutes the steps were swarming with black-coated , medal-encrusted figures , all on their way to raise double gins to the fond memory of the man who had been a leader in the game of Intelligence .
5 At 1 p.m. the BBC Home Service reported the execution at Wandsworth and the last public message of the man who had been hanged .
6 He crossed to the library and entered , assailed at once by warm memories of the man who had been to him the nearest thing to a father .
7 One of Al Bowlly 's greatest numbers , ’ he added , mentioning the name of the man who had been England 's most popular crooner until his death .
8 Billy Smallbury , one of the men who had been in the cart , climbed up with a bucket of water , to throw water on Gabriel and keep the flames off him .
9 It seems from the work of earlier historians that at some time around 1200 the influence of the great magnates underwent a challenge : in part this was because the king was intruding more and more into what had been the magnates ' private preserve , the distribution of justice to their feudal tenants ; in part also because rising inflation damaged their incomes ; and because the individual ambitions of certain of the men who had been the tenants of their knights ' fees led them to seek their advancement outside their natural lords ' followings .
10 The good news from the Beacon Centre is that two of the men who have been coming along have committed their lives to Jesus .
11 It was a melody she had always loved ; now , in this packed cellar , played by this golden-skinned Dane who both intrigued and irritated her , it took on an even deeper significance , melting her bones , flowing through her , drawing her senses towards the man who had been yesterday 's stranger .
12 With the man who had been Simon 's team-mate .
13 The programme opens with While Shepherds Watched sung to the tune of ‘ On Ilkley Moor Bah't 'At ’ , and an interview with the man who has been Santa Claus to generations of children travelling on the Worth Valley Railway 's ‘ Santa Specials ’ : Jack Rowell , who lives on the railway in the Station House overlooking its terminus at Oxenhope .
14 In his autobiography , he tries to see how this happened to ‘ the whole man ’ — to the man who had been haunted since youth by a sense of joy ’ , to the man whose love of Autumn , of Northernness , even of his own mother , was always , as he came to feel , a longing for one without whom our hearts will find no rest .
15 Most important of all , she was married to the man who had been Paula 's husband .
16 The third was to talk to the man who had been in love with Irene Pitt .
17 The last thing in the world she needed was to be attracted to the man who had been Elise 's lover — even if he were n't already engaged in a live-in relationship with another woman !
18 While she went to brew coffee Fletcher introduced Patrick and Chris to the man who had been waiting in the sitting room .
19 He imagined with pleasure the bollocking that would be administered to the men who had been on duty the previous night .
20 He looked down angrily at the man who had been so uselessly injured .
21 She glared up at the man who had been invading her dreams , for a second not even sure if she was awake or asleep .
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