Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Great excitement ( except for the Indians who ignored it all ) .
2 Bernie did one very important thing for The Pistols He made us focus our thoughts .
3 Indeed , an upbringing which gave Alexander II many qualifications for the tasks which confronted him failed to conceal the fact that he was not very gifted at all .
4 Parliament did not often pass laws with any wide-ranging implications , and the most wide-ranging recent laws , the religious legislation of the Reformation , were never applied at all precisely in America , but no legal framework could have been imagined for the colonies which gave them a legitimate position under English law without putting them under the legislative supremacy of Parliament .
5 Only yesterday in Oxford Frank Baughan called for the youngsters who beat him and broke his wrist to be birched. frank Bishop is n't today 's only victim .
6 No other observer was so close to Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge [ q.v. ] during their most productive years together at Alfoxden and Grasmere ; and no one else had such an eye for the landscapes which inspired them , or could provide them with living materials for poetry out of her own observations .
7 Railway employees , or ‘ Nepo-idols ’ as they were called , queued for hours for scarce tickets for the Nepmen who tipped them for their service .
8 An industrial tribunal this week ordered that McConville and the Workshop pay her £9029.50 compensation for the assaults which left her ‘ feeling like a tramp ’ .
9 In his London Shadows Godwin even finds a function for the voyeurs who made it fashionable to tour the slums ‘ and wonder at the peculiarities of that strange land ’ , because ‘ it was partly owing to these visits that some improvements were carried into effect ’ .
10 Thousands of years ago , horses were grazing dinners for the carnivores which stalked them through the grasslands , and the horses which survived were the fittest , fastest , strongest , and most alert .
11 The road-building had been completed , but Brailey and his men had stayed to dig stone from a small quarry nearby for the wall-builders who followed them , enclosing the newly cleared land .
12 He killed himself because he was literally sick to death of fighting some of the largest manufacturers of FM radios for the royalties they owed him .
13 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
14 And we had a during the periods you mentioned we had er lived in a village , and we had a very very honest er grocer .
15 And because the particular form of constancy adopted by my family seems at least as important in the aetiology of my own disease as the changes which accompanied it , I shall start with an anecdote which illustrates , in little , the fixed but complex family structure of which I was a part .
16 Therefore , so far as the original shareholders were concerned , clause 3 of the shareholders ' agreement did not amount to an unlawful fetter on the company 's statutory power to increase its share capital ; it was simply a personal agreement outside the articles between the shareholders who executed it about how they would exercise their voting rights in relation to the creation or issue of shares , and did not purport to bind future shareholders .
17 So she puts a dress on , when she feels well enough , and I go and look and she talks to me about the times she wore it before .
18 The officers also discovered a syringe on Jones but when asked about the drugs he said they were not his .
19 One supporter summed up the feelings of them all about the authorities who took them away .
20 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
21 Whether you live in Northamptonshire or come to the area as a visitor , for business or leisure , the expertise of the County 's Tourist Guides will help you get to know this varied County better , and even help you find out more about the areas you thought you knew .
22 When she thought about the things he did they became even sharper , so that it felt as if an electric shock was passing right through the centre of her body .
23 Whereas for Marxist-Leninists , the nationalization of property in the hands of a workers ' State ensured that through the institutions which represented them — the State , the party , the soviets and the trade unions — the working masses were now in command , for libertarians this represented little more than a ‘ change of guard ’ .
24 The key to this was developing attitude scales , many of them named after the researchers who devised them .
25 After the photographs I showed you ?
26 Unfortunately , I wrote to him in rather a hurry , and did n't take copies of the notes I sent him .
27 He pointed to one or two of the maroons who accompanied him .
28 Although judges tend to interpret Acts of Parliament and legal documents literally ( unless this leads to an absurd result ) , patent specifications are interpreted purposively ; that is , in line with the presumed intention of the persons who wrote them .
29 ( Alan ) Henderson , to decline the offer of a bond in 1981 when as a newly elected Committee member , he believed he needed to respect ‘ the ( contra ) attitude ( to bondholders ) of the members who voted him in ’ , and quoted the discussions at the 1979 Annual General Meeting .
30 Her senses acknowledged the strength of the arms which held her , the power of his thigh muscles against her softer , more yielding flesh .
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