Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] with our [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , if the weather was good , we would spend the rest of the day with our friends among the marble busts and statues in the romantic Giardino Pubblico , which had once been the Parco Ducale of Maria Luigia 's palace .
2 At the end of the month with our incomings and our outgoings we 're going to be in debit of fifty seven pounds a month .
3 We have worked closely throughout the year with our partners in the Scottish Enterprise Network — both Scottish Enterprise National and other LECs — achieving our common goal of delivering economic development throughout Scotland .
4 We stayed on the floor throughout the routine with our legs up — did n't half hurt .
5 She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting , and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea .
6 Then he turned his horse , galloped to the moat , and jumped into the water with our bullets flying round his ears .
7 I had acquired and learned to drive an old Hillman during the summer and , piling two tired and travel-sick children into the back with our parcels , we set off into the night .
8 If I had n't brought you up , you 'd be in the churchyard with our parents .
9 What had come to the poets in their most serene or passionate moments we glided into as easily as we gathered flowers for Maud or Blanche or Mabel , as we lay in the grass with our eyes divided between the books , the land and the clouds .
10 We sat round the fire with our leftovers and I answered their questions about the day 's events .
11 But the evenings were sacrosanct : we all knocked off at six for a happy hour round the fire with our drinks in winter and on the sun terrace in the summer .
12 Just told to turn up at our schools with a packed lunch and a change of clothes , then we went to the station with our teachers .
13 If we returned to the road with our panniers full of food and met the Germans , they would probably stop and search us .
14 Newton said : ‘ We both fell to the ground with our legs tangled .
15 We have made submissions to the Commission with our views on proposed life assurance and pensions directives and we have had successful meetings with representatives of the Commission on the issued raised in both these areas .
16 Another time he got us to lie on the floor with our legs in the air .
17 Plodding away on the ground with our instruments and synoptic charts , we were not really aware of the significance and desperation of the events taking place in the skies over western Europe .
18 In the Wimpy after 2001 we imitated the apes banging their bones on the ground with our knives and forks on the formica table .
19 So we are encouraged , instead , to go out on the town with our peers from other Mephistco departments , for the betterment of internal relations back at base .
20 We must look at the fear with our eyes and heart , and begin to bring calm to the storm of our emotions .
21 ‘ When we were 15 or so , we started going away to competitions around the country with our tents .
22 In view of the afternoon 's exertions , tea-time must have been a difficult moment for tired guests , for as Princess Metternich noted : ‘ The Empress 's teas seemed to us a little drawn out and I must frankly admit that we preferred to take it in our own rooms by the fire with our friends while smoking a quiet cigarette .
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