Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] you 've [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've moved back into and er I 'd just like to say I 'm sure on behalf of all of you and the people of that we see this as a tremendous move and thank you for the work you 've put in .
2 Thank you very much for the work you 've put in .
3 You do n't have to be witty or attractive or intelligent , you just have to be there with people for the time you 've stipulated .
4 Okay , Carol , thank you for the time you 've given to us to see it .
5 I wan na thank you for the initiative you 've shown .
6 During the period you 've lived in the flats , have you found noise a problem or not ?
7 ‘ Though I 've got to tell you there 's some gossip going around about the cousin you 've got staying . ’
8 Part of him was saying : that 's because if you for one second think seriously about the position you 've put yourself in , you 'll panic .
9 ‘ No complaints here about the way you 've kept it .
10 Buy two £175 fish and go on about the bargain you 've got ?
11 Now , if you go through the door you 've got so many seconds to get to the box to turn it off .
12 Generally , I think such experiences can help , but only when you 've worked through the unhappiness you 've faced , and I would be surprised if you could do this fully without outside help .
13 ‘ There comes a time when it 's not worth the commitment you 've got to give ’ — ALEX WYLLIE ( retired All Black coach ) .
14 ‘ You 're in no fit state to work straight away after the shock you 've had .
15 ‘ You want me to work for you after the way you 've treated me ?
16 ‘ I always thought it would be marriage or nothing for you — especially after the way you 've kept men at arm 's length over the years I 've known you . ’
17 It makes you think but at the end of the day you 've trained your horses to be here and do it well .
18 Cos at the end of the day you 've worked hard and you ai n't earned nothing that day .
19 You 've got to be prepared to listen to a lot of varied opinions about many difficult problems , assess the people who give you those opinions and at the end of the day you 've got to be very decisive and determined .
20 One thing I would say , it 's very difficult to put over , is to get over , of the part you 've paid back
21 kind of if you do , if you do manage to get some , some feedback on some of the stuff you 've done so far it may turn out that it was n't as bad as all that , you know
22 Most of the stuff you 've met so far is continuous functions .
23 I believe that your amendment is typical of the way you 've contributed tonight , that you 're not really sure for certain about what you 're saying and why you 're saying it .
24 I 'm sick of the way you 've treated me , as if I were a child who 's misbehaved . ’
25 ‘ I 'm sick of the way you 've treated me .
26 I could also give my opinion of the way you 've behaved . ’
27 You go on about erm some of the experience you 've had , some of the you 've met .
28 Er how much of the money you 've spent , what proportion , all , most of the total , about half or less than half the total have you spent at a shop .
29 Our main aim in producing the magazine is to give readers inspiration and ideas for their homes and it 's heart-warming to hear of the success you 've had .
30 Er Teddy Roosevelt down at the bottom with the Rough Riders the guns at the top of the hill , the horses at the bottom of the hill you 've heard of the charge of the Light Brigade have n't you ?
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