Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] of [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was an historic statute since for the first time it provided a statutory power for the banning of marches and processions of protest and demonstration .
2 The Minister of Education and Culture , Guillermo Garcia Costa , was to have temporary additional responsibility for the Ministry of Territories and Environment until a Colorado candidate was chosen .
3 Vitamins and nutrients help to prevent and fight disease and are essential for the healing of wounds and bone fractures .
4 The following guidelines on sponsorship have been approved by Council for the Assistance of Branches and Chapters .
5 The answers to these questions will have significance not only for the interpretation of dismissals and refusals to hire under Council Directive 76/207/EEC but also for the interpretation of Article 10 of Council Directive 92/85/EEC and other unfavourable treatment of pregnant women which the employer or the state claims is gender-neutral .
6 Typically OCR systems are used in offices to create electronic copies of letters received from other offices , and for the inclusion of spreadsheets and tables in printed reports .
7 A survey by Woodhouse and Neill revealed that few public libraries in the UK have a precise policy for the promotion of services and even fewer attempted to assess the effectiveness of the resulting activities .
8 The Yasa provided for the settlement of disputes and affairs of honour only between the races of the True People , for they alone were equipped with the talons with which the kanly — formal mortal combat — was fought .
9 I respectfully agree with his reasons for rejecting the plaintiffs ' claim for the inspection of documents and disclosure of information before trial based upon section 72 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 , upon the alleged proprietary claim and upon waiver .
10 The conclusion of counsel , with which I agree , was that in this jurisdiction no mechanism has been provided for the assessment of costs and the matter seems to be left to the justices themselves .
11 The figures for the proportion of vacancies that are acceptable , men aged 55 and over have very low reservation wages ( especially in the second period ) and appear to accept almost any job .
12 There may be an element of revolutionary wishful thinking here : if all the system had to worry about was the minority of people who seriously call for the abolition of prisons or the prospect of the imminent overthrow of capitalism there would not be much of a crisis .
13 But there is nothing on land that can prepare you for the profusion of shapes and colours of the corals themselves .
14 Many left bequests to educational establishments ‘ to the maintenance of Christ 's holy gospel ’ ; others gave financial support , either during their lifetimes or through their wills , for the endowment of lectureships or the payment of stipends to preachers .
15 What these two exponents have in common is their deep concern for the education of children and their considerable reservations about what goes on in the name of education in our present institutions .
16 For instance , there are particles because physics has tests for the existence of particles and rules for referring to particles .
17 A founder member of the Royal Astronomical Society ( RAS ) , he donated the livings of Hartwell and Stone — of which he was Lord of the Manor — to the society with a view to the promotion of astronomy in connection with theology ( he also founded the Lee Fund for the relief of widows and children of deceased fellows of the RAS ) .
18 He continued " it can thus include not only secret formulae for the manufacture of products but also in an appropriate case , the names of customers and the goods which they buy " .
19 In no sense could they be said to be members of industrial co-operatives : that is , of organisations set up for the manufacture of goods or the provision of services and wholly , or very largely , owned and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
20 On that severe view no Socialist could support the promotion of producers ' or workers ' , or industrial co-operatives , call them what you will , if they are described as organisations for the manufacture of goods or for the provision of services , and wholly or very largely owned by and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
21 For a time , Freames was used for the manufacture of chemicals and later became known as Crystal Fountain Mill , then for the production of shoddy and mattress stuffing up to at least the Second World War .
22 They are used as fuels or as raw materials for the manufacture of chemicals and fertilisers .
23 The names which have previously confused scholars would in effect have been like the variety of names used for , say , a contemporary political party or , at most , for the spectrum of groups and individuals which coalesced into a single movement — the French Resistance , during the German occupation .
24 This kind of interaction is consistently recognized as important for the authoring of documents and seems likely to be useful for document reuse as well .
25 the icon selected for the deleting of files or objects .
26 Although never destined to flourish as an active conduit for combined activity , Pateman linked District students with the WETUC scheme for the remission of fees where appropriate — in aggregate usually never more than £20 a year .
27 Water power was used for the powering of hammers and bellows .
28 So although for the majority of cases that a fatal as a result of diphtheria the fact that , due actually to the pharyngitis and the pseudo- membrane obstructing the respiratory passage .
29 The teaching of specialist options is relatively expensive ; this might enable universities to maintain intellectual standards at a lower unit cost for the majority of undergraduates while still serving those who need more advanced knowledge .
30 On a deeper level , however , as we shall see in later chapters , the identity category ‘ Catholic ’ is , for the majority of policemen and women , not an all-inclusive typification in which every Catholic is categorized alike .
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