Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] but it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Then , if you like , you can do a little pantomime routine where you look behind you for the ghost but it follows you around until you finally find it , and then you can do a brief activity with the ghost , like walk around the room in ‘ follow my leader ’ style or sing a song such as ‘ My kneebone 's connected to my thigh bone ’ .
2 This is all very limiting for the pilot but it does mean that the investigator is able to know exactly what the pilot is , or should be , doing at any stage in the flight .
3 I thought to myself , ‘ I have n't bought any tickets for the raffle but it looks as if I have won first prize . ’
4 Now it may well be that the whole balance of things is that we 're generally okay for the moment but it seems to me that as time goes on and there 's a need to review plans and there 's a need to make further provision that it would be very very difficult indeed against a blanket policy as opposed to individual justifications around ind er individual settlements .
5 In these cases the society not only fixes and receives the fee payable for the report but it retains the fee for itself .
6 The confrontational approach by censorship can achieve the quick gain of publicity for the cause but it does not halt the flow of published material .
7 The atmosphere over Europe lost 15 to 20 per cent of its protective ozone layer during the winter but it does not have a full-scale " ozone hole " , an international scientific team has said .
8 The story of the blacksmith 's involvement in the Battle of Drumclog can not be substantiated by any written record of the battle but it has been handed down through many generations of people in the Irvine Valley and spoken of with pride .
9 In solutions , which are stabilized in this way by secondary bonding , the LCST usually appears below the boiling temperature of the solvent but it has been found experimentally that an LCST can be detected in non-polar systems when these are examined at temperatures approaching the critical temperature of the solvent .
10 This does not necessarily ensure wide application of the research but it does provide various ‘ models ’ of development in different environments which increase the likelihood that , by identifying with one or another model , other schools adopt and adapt the work to suit their particular needs .
11 Community is part of the job but it needs good management ( paying teachers , costing the use of premises , the division of time other than that which is needed to provide the national curriculum ) as well as a personally felt sense of value .
12 Mary White , the secretary of the Mount Leinster MAG warned , ‘ You may think this going to be a small hole gouged out of the mountain but it reaches for five miles on top of Tomduff .
13 Oral contraceptives may mask the symptoms of the disease but it emerges after the preparations are stopped .
14 It may not be very nice some of the time but it does n't tell lies .
15 They 've just reached the half way stage of the project but it 's taken them five years to get this far .
16 Well s well erm Pete said originally , at the end of the month but it looks like , with this problem , it 's gon na be phasi If we can get some off-site at the end of the month .
17 The governments of secular Syria and of free-wheeling Lebanon permitted the printing of the book but it has been banned in Saudi Arabia and , under Saudi pressure , in Qatar , the United Arab Emirates and Egypt .
18 It would n't work if the component was made from very fibrous wood which might lift with the glue but it works in a lot of circumstances which defy the ‘ sash cramp ’ solution .
19 Iain feels the effects of the alcohol drunk with the meal but it has made him feel good , giving him a sense — true or not — that he can cope , that he can deal with the way his own mind and from there be able to deal with other people 's .
20 The ancient sandstone bridge at Bangor-on-Dee carries one-way traffic from Wrexham over the river and into the village but it has weathered badly in recent years possibly because of attack by acid rain .
21 ‘ We 're gradually eliminating people from the inquiry but it takes time .
22 a certain part of I beg your pardon sorry I 'm getting my definitions wrong may be looking after something which the erm corporate locations are solely within the south but it 's handled by an corporate account .
23 well ha you , what you have is you have erm the ship , first of all you have the ship , it 's a plain ship on a white background , then you have the lights on a black background and then you have that blue bit in the middle but it takes three shots
24 Answer guide : The reason for choosing this example is that this particular area is subject to rapid changes in technology which make estimation of useful life extremely difficult as in many cases there is still utility in the asset but it has been superseded by a ‘ better ’ alternative .
25 It might have been all right in the past but it does n't work now . ’
26 I do n't think we actually used any of them in the end but it has got that cinematic imagery to it . ’
27 It does take a part in the reaction but it keeps getting returned back to its original state .
28 Jim Pike of the solar flair team says it 's very hot and bumpy in the car but it manages to keep on the road even with the road trains flying past solar cars are simple machines … the cells on top soak up the sun and the energy drives an electric motor …
29 At one time he lived in Devon I think and he also has association with Yorkshire , so that is could be quite probably in the countryside but it does n't have to be a forest , does n't have to be a fox out there but he does actually say I imagine this midnight moment 's forest .
30 Usually dies away in the evening but it has been known to last all night .
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